[Air-l] the september project in the news

david silver dsilver at u.washington.edu
Mon Jul 12 15:02:57 PDT 2004

thank you Ulla for posting news about the september project to the list.
and thank you Maximilian for your well thought out comments about the

i don't have the time i wish i had to respond in full, and i hope that
others will chime in too.  but before i begin, let me say this:

the september project is not *about* 9-11.  rather, it is about public
and collective engagement that takes place *on* 9-11.

the only thing we have asked is this: that all events be FREE and PUBLIC.
besides that, and this is a key point Maximilian, we encourage all
organizers to plan events that relate to their communities, their cities
and towns, their countries.

has that happened?  yes.  please visit:

O Projecto Setembro PORTUGAL http://setembro.ciberpunk.org
El Proyecto Septiembre SPAIN http://septiembre.ciberpunk.org
The September Project US http://www.theseptemberproject.org

if you translate the sites (http://babelfish.altavista.com isn't perfect
but it seems to help out), you will notice that our friends and colleagues
in Spain and Portugal have altered their events and topics to fit their
own concerns, communities, etc.  we think that's pretty cool.

david silver

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