[Air-l] AoIR conference 2004/pre conference workshops

Gitte Stald stald at hum.ku.dk
Fri Jul 23 04:42:47 PDT 2004

Dear colleagues,
We remind those of you who consider to participate in the AoIR conference
2004 at Sussex University that it's possible to sign up for a pre-conference
workshop. We invite all interested to register for our workshop on the
mobile Internet (see below) and to send us a brief position paper when you
have registered for the conference and the workshop on the official
conference website. 

Anxo Roibas and Gitte Stald

"You've got the whole wide world in your hand - what u wanna do now?":
Relevant socio-cultural and HCI issues in future scenarios of mobile
Dr. Anxo Cereijo Roibás, a.c.roibas at brighton.ac.uk
Gitte Stald, stald at hum.ku.dk

The workshop will explore and analyse crucial socio-cultural implications
and related HCI issues in the design of scenarios of ubiquitous interactive
Recent developments in communication technologies will strongly extend
communication possibilities in ubiquitous contexts. Thus convergent media is
becoming one of the main relevant HCI issues. Companies will be able to
provide their services holistically across different channels and this will
imply a strong integration between all the platforms and interfaces involved
(i-TV, PCs, handhelds, etc.). In the users' side, this will imply a seamless
and pervasive connection possibility to the Internet and to all its
applications and services in the different spheres (leisure and gaming,
communications, health, learning, business or their combination as
busitainment, edutainment, etc.). Telecommunication companies (network
operators, handset manufacturers, service providers, etc.) are investing now
in technologies for transmission of multimedia files across mobile phones.
But, will users need these applications, if yes, why, when and how will they
use them? In order to be able to prospect realistic and relevant future
scenarios for this technological -landscape, it is required a strong
research in socio-cultural trends. This kind of studies for example, would
allow foresights on the unexpected boom of SMS in Europe as well as the
mob-logging phenomenon. 
Objectives of this workshop are: to develop a socio-cultural trends research
agenda for this specific issue, to identify and extend the research
community in this topic. Moreover, to sensitise designers, sociologists,
psychologists, marketers to the particular socio-cultural and
interaction-design issues in these kinds of communication scenarios.
Participants should submit, to the organisers, a brief position paper of 1-2
pages, or a reference to a socio-cultural issue related to a mobile product
or application in which they have been involved. Participants will be
selected on the basis of their interest in and familiarity with the topic.
No particular skills or knowledge of socio-cultural trends or HCI are

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