R: [Air-l] percentage online surveys

Luca Meyer lucameyer at tiscali.it
Tue Jun 15 01:30:05 PDT 2004

Hello Lisa,

I have spoken a few days ago with someone at the ASSIRM (the italian
association of market research institutes, which account for some 3/4 of
the total speding in Italy for market research) and he told me that such
a percentage amongst they associates is lower than 1% of the total
market research spending. 

However, when interpreting such a figure, one should take into account a
couple of speculations:

1) There might be an higher proportion of Internet related research run
by non-ASSIRM research institutes than by ASSIRM associates, and in such
a case that figure for the whole Italian market would be understimate

2) Usually online market reseach project cost less than traditional
market research projects, implying that there will probably be a
non-linear relationship between spending and number of projects

Finally worldwide figures might be available through the ESOMAR:

Good luck with your research.


Mr. Luca Meyer                         
Consumer research advisor: http://www.lucameyer.com/en/
Italian Online Research Mailing List:
Tel: +390122854456 - Fax: +390122854837 - Mobile: + 393355217628

- One world, one human race - 

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: air-l-bounces at aoir.org [mailto:air-l-bounces at aoir.org] Per conto di
Ec.Deutskens at MW.unimaas.nl
Inviato: lunedì 14 giugno 2004 17.33
A: air-l at aoir.org
Oggetto: [Air-l] percentage online surveys

Hallo everybody,

I am looking for statistics that reveal which percentage of market
research is conducted via online surveys, or alternatively, how much is
spend on online market research

If have been looking on the web but could not find good sources. It
would be great if anyone would have some figures or know where to find


Drs. Elisabeth Deutskens 
PhD Student 
Universiteit Maastricht 
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration 
Department of Marketing 
Tel:   +31 (-43) -3883716 
Fax:  +31 (-43) -3884918 
E-mail: ec.deutskens at mw.unimaas.nl 
website: http://www.personeel.unimaas.nl/ec.deutskens/ 

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