[Air-l] Convention Schedule - Media Ecology Association, June 10-13, 2004 Rochester NY
J Sternberg
netberg at compuserve.com
Wed Jun 2 10:57:20 PDT 2004
June 10-13, 2004
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester, New York
Sponsored by
The Department of Communication and
The William A. Kern Professor in Communications
College of Liberal Arts
Rochester Institute of Technology
PROGRAM SCHEDULE (as of 6/2/04)
THURSDAY, June 10, 2004
2:00-5:30 p.m. Registration (Faculty Commons)
3:00-3:15 SESSIONS
Session 1-A
The Challenges of Audience as Author: Multiplayer Online Games and
Virtual Worlds (Room 06-3201)
Moderator: Stephen Jacobs - Rochester Institute of Technology
Stuart Butterfield - Ludicorp
Mary Demarle - Freelance Game Writer
Lee Pearson - There.com
Session 1-B
Music, Poetry and Mediated Expressions (Room 06-3225)
Chair: Carl Atkins - Rochester Institute of Technology
Composing Music for Electroacoustic Environments
Ann Warde - Independent Composer
What About the Poetic? Notes on the Relationship between the Musical and
the Linguistic in Contemporary Music Culture
Jelle Dierickx - University of Ghent
Vocal Media Environments
Rick Scott - F’loom/ Rochester Institute of Technology
Session 1-C
Media Environments and Cultural Messages (Room 06-3214)
Chair: Keith Jenkins - Rochester Institute of Technology
Exhibiting Optimism: The Visual Culture of Early Twentieth-Century
Health Exhibits
Christine Keiner - Rochester Institute of Technology
“Eating the Other”: Simulation, Orientalism, and the Act of Dining Out
Carlnita P. Greene - University of Texas, Austin
Romance of the Unreal: Three Critical Approaches to Women’s Online Erotica
Abigail Derecho - Northwestern University
4:30-5:45 SESSIONS
Session 2-A
Digital Poetries and Poetics (Room 06-3201)
Moderator: John Roche - Rochester Institute of Technology
Brandon Barr - University of Rochester
Stephen Jacobs - Rochester Institute of Technology
Linda Reinfeld - Rochester Institute of Technology
Session 2-B
Globalization and the Media (Room 06-3214)
Chair: Dave Newman - Rochester Institute of Technology
Critique or Consent? Transgressive Animation and American Power:
Re-Viewing The Simpsons and South Park
Amit Ray - Rochester Institute of Technology
Globalization, Fandom, and “Cyber-Solidarity”
Ed Wiltse - Nazareth College
Communication/Media as a Leading Component of “DNA” of the
“Super-Organism” of Global Human Culture
Felix Rizvanov - Rochester Institute of Technology
Session 2-C
Thickening the Word and the Return of the Trickster (Room 06-3225)
Chair: Paul Guzzardo - Humanities Instructional Television Educational
Sung Ho Kim - Washington University
Brett Murphy - Washington University/Electrolift Productions
5:45-6:15 Welcoming Reception (Faculty Commons)
6:15-6:45 Welcoming Remarks (Room 06-A 205)
Glenn Kist - Rochester Institute of Technology
Lance Strate - Fordham University
6:45-7:45 Plenary Session: The Computational Mind and the Digitized
Society (Room 06-A 205)
David R. Olson - University of Toronto
FRIDAY, June 11, 2004
8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Registration (Faculty Commons)
9:00-10:15 SESSIONS
Session 3-A
My Media Ecology Includes Linguistics, Cultural Anthropology, Knowledge
Management and Collaboration Studies (Room 06-A 205)
Chair: James C. Morrison - Emerson College
Presenter: Robert K. Logan - University of Toronto
Respondent: James C. Morrison - Emerson College
Session 3-B
Community Building and Media Environments (Room 06-3201)
Chair: Cheryl Casey - New York University
Gecyberschaft: Trusting Our Symbols with Our Lives
Mary Ann Allison - New York University
Community Media Empowerment
Margot Hardenbergh - Fordham University
The Bhangra Wave
Anjali Gera - Indian Institute of Technology
Managing the MEA Online Community
Janet Sternberg - Fordham University
10:30-11:45 SESSIONS
Session 4-A
Media Environments and Literacy Issues (Room 06-A205)
Chair: Mark Lipton - University of Toronto
Media Literacy: Integrating Technological and Communication Competencies
in K-12 Education
Ann Giralico Pearlman - Empire State College
Virtual Language: Altered Functions of Language in Transforming Space
and Shaping Information
Chris Burnett - Visual Studies Workshop
Nationwide Technological Illiteracy and What the Tech! Can One Radio
Show Save the Country?
Stephen Jacobs - Rochester Institute of Technology
When is Now? Twenty First Century High School
Mark Lipton - University of Toronto
Session 4-B
New Approaches to Media Ecology (Room 06-3201)
Chair: Thomas F. Gencarelli - Montclair State University
Ambient Video: The Transformation of the Domestic Cinematic Experience
Jim Bizzocchi - Simon Fraser University
Formula for a Fuhrer: Idolatry Made Easy in a Culture of Irrationality
and Spectacle
Arthur W. Hunt, III - Geneva College
From Secondary Orality to Secondary Literacy
James C. Morrison - Emerson College
Rhetoric and Orality in a Mass-Technological Society
Stephen Weinstock - Independent Scholar
Session 4-C
Social Issues and Technology (Room 06-3252)
Chair: Grant Cos - Rochester Institute of Technology
General Guidelines for the Investigation of Technology
Boris Hellmann - SUNY Buffalo
Sticks and Carrots: Global Rules, Local Enforcement of Intellectual
Property Rights in Eastern Asian Nations
Jack Rosenberry - St. John Fisher College
Recreational Surveillance and Social Interaction
Stacy Rosenberg - New York University
Destruction of Communication Skills Due to Overabundance of Information
on the Internet
Jordan P. Curtis - SUNY Postsdam
12:00-1:15 Lunch Break (On Your Own)
12:00-2:45 MEA Board Meeting
1:30- 2:45 ACTIVITIES
Tour of Cary Collection (please sign up) (2nd Floor, Wallace Library)
Nature Walk (along RIT’s Nature Trail)
Music Presentation: Catastrophe and Cooperation: Interactive Music
Systems that Shape Communication Networks Among Performers (Room 06-A 205)
Ann Warde - Independent Composer
3:00-4:15 Plenary Session: The Future of Literature in Digital
Environments (Room 06-A 205)
Moderator: John Roche - Rochester Institute of Technology
Twyla Gibson - University of Toronto
Marjorie C. Luesebrink - Electronic Literature Organization
Marla Schweppe - Rochester Institute of Technology
4:30-5:45 SESSIONS
Session 5-A
Weblogs and Cross-Disciplinary Communication (Room 06-A 205)
Moderator: Elizabeth Lane Lawley - Rochester Institute of Technology
Alexander Halavais - SUNY Buffalo
Sébastien Paquet - National Research Council of Canada
Clay Shirky - New York University
Jill Walker - University of Bergen
Session 5-B
Media Ecology and Education in a Technological Society (Room 06-3201)
Moderator: Casey Man Kong Lum - William Paterson University
Joyce Hanks - University of Scranton
Mary Alice Shaver - University of Central Florida
Lance Strate - Fordham University
Session 5-C
Images and Visual Media Environments (Room 06-3225)
Chair: Susan Jasko - California University of Pennsylvania
The Rhetoric of Material Information, or the Digitized Body
Lisa Hermsen - Rochester Institute of Technology
Buffy, the Vampire Slayer: Strong, Brave, Resourceful--What’s a Girl to
Do? Female Identity and the New Mythos
Susan Jasko - California University of Pennsylvania
Filming the Catastrophe: Representing Trauma in Film
Marie Lovrod - Five Colleges Women’s Studies Research Center
Traumatic Pedagogy: Images and Metaphor
Jessica Lieberman - Rochester Institute of Technology
5:45-6:45 Reception (Faculty Commons)
7:00-8:15 Keynote Address: The Gamers’ Renaissance: Co-Authoring Reality
for the Fun of It (Ingle Auditorium, Student Alumni Union)
Douglas Rushkoff - New York University
8:15 Multimedia Event: String and Brush Mediated Sentinel (Outdoors)
W. Michelle Harris - Rochester Institute of Technology
SATURDAY, June 12, 2004
8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Registration (Faculty Commons)
9:00-10:15 SESSIONS
Session 6-A
Media Ecology: Theoretical Directions (Room 06-3201)
Chair: Thomas F. Gencarelli - Montclair State University
The Cellphone as a Cultural Disturbance
Elizabeth Fitzgerald - Fordham University
Tao of Media Ecology
Paul Grosswiler - University of Maine
Taoism, Media Ecology, and the Reason Why the West Just Can’t ‘Dig It’
Megan Rogers - Fordham University
King Spoil-Sport: The Death and Resurrection of the Global Shaman
Kyle Outlaw - New York University
Session 6-B
Cultural Messages and Media Environments (Room 06-A205)
Chair: Corey Anton - Grand Valley State University
Visual “Re-Enactments” and the Role of Spectatorship in Telling the News
John Huxford - Villanova University
Louis E. Lomax and Coverage of the Black Muslims: How a Documentary on a
Separatist Movement Opened the Broadcast News Arena to African Americans
Clarence Cotton, Jr. - Hampton University
Theme Parks as Sacred Places and Commercial Sanctuaries
Kip Redick - Christopher Newport University
Edmund Carpenter: Maverick Anthropologist and Media Ecology Pioneer
Harald E. L. Prins - Kansas State University
Cultural Identities and Digital Environments
María de la Luz Casas Pérez - Instituto Tecnológico, Campus Morelos, México
Session 6-C
Media Ecology at the Movies (Room 06-3225)
Chair: Edward A. Wachtel - Fordham University
Beneath the Surface of American Beauty
Eirini Konstantinidou - Fordham University
Thus Spake the Prophet: The Drama of Systems in Tony Kushner’s “Angels
in America”
Jessica Knapp - Fordham University
Orson Welles as Medium Theorist
Paul Heyer - Wilfrid Laurier University
Cinesthetic Memory: Towards a Phenomenological Ethnography of Film Viewing
Kevin Taylor Anderson - University of Massachusetts, Amherst
10:30-11:45 SESSIONS
Session 7-A
Natural and Visual Ecologies (Room 06-3201)
Moderator: Raymond Gozzi, Jr. - Ithaca College
Susan B. Barnes - Rochester Institute of Technology
Chad Okrusch - University of Oregon
Wendy Snetsinger - Pennsylvania State University
Session 7-B
New Media Environments (Room 06-3225)
Chair: Davis Foulger - Evolutionary Media
Transient Reformations: Transforming Place Through Projection
W. Michelle Harris - Rochester Institute of Technology
Improvisational Comedy and the Internet
Susan Jacobson - Marymount Manhattan College
Blogs: A First Person Narrative in Real Time
Elouise Oyzon - Rochester Institute of Technology
The Creation of a Performance Medium: But Is It a Video Game or a
Role-Playing Game?
Chad Tew - University of Southern Indiana
Session 7-C
“Toronto School of Communication”: Canadian Contributions to Media
Ecology (Room 06-A205)
Moderator: Mark Lipton - University of Toronto
Donald J. Gillies - Ryerson University
Liss Jeffrey - University of Toronto
Alexander Kuskis - Royal Roads University
Robert K. Logan - University of Toronto
12:00-1:00 Buffet Luncheon (Outside Building 6)
Sponsored by the Kern Professor in Communications, Rochester Institute
of Technology
Tribute to Neil Postman (Room 06-A205)
Moderator: Janet Sternberg - Fordham University
Susan B. Barnes - Rochester Institute of Technology
Thomas F. Gencarelli - Montclair State University
Casey Man Kong Lum - William Paterson University
Edward A. Wachtel - Fordham University
3:00-4:15 SESSIONS
Session 8-A
Workshop: Paradise Lost (and Found) in Translation: Drawing from the
Liberal Arts and Using Skits in Re-Mapping Our Media Environment (Room
Fred Cheyunski - Rohm and Haas Company
Session 8-B
Reevaluating Goffman in the Context of New Technologies (Room 06- 3225)
Chair: Brian Cogan - Molloy College
Framing the Future: A Frame Analysis of the Discourse of the “Electronic
Luiz Carlos Baptista - Catholic University, Lisbon
Misbehavior in Public Places: Goffman’s Analysis of Situational
Janet Sternberg - Fordham University
Erving Goffman as Media Ecologist: Re-Framing the Interdiscipline
Liss Jeffrey - University of Toronto
Framing the Useful: A Frame Analysis of the Introduction of the Personal
Brian Cogan - Molloy College
Session 8-C
Tribute to Walter Ong (Room 06-A205)
Moderator: Lance Strate - Fordham University
Twyla Gibson - University of Toronto
Vincent Hevern, SJ - Le Moyne College
Anthony Palmeri - University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh
Lori Ramos - William Paterson University
Thomas D. Zlatic - Saint Louis College of Pharmacy
4:30-5:15 Plenary Session: Renegotiating the Social Contract: The Rise
of the Technology of Distrust (Room 06-A205)
Gary Gumpert - Communication Landscapers
Susan Drucker - Hofstra University
5:30-6:15 Presidential Address: The Persistence of the Word (Room 06-A205)
Lance Strate - Fordham University
6:15-7:00 Presentation of the MEA Awards (Room 06-A205)
7:00-8:15 Plenary Session: The Interface between Writing and Art (Room
Denise Schmandt-Besserat - University of Texas, Austin
8:15-9:30 Reception (Faculty Commons)
SUNDAY, June 13, 2004
10:00-11:30 MEA Business Meeting (1824 Room, Student Alumni Union)
Moderator: Casey Man Kong Lum - William Paterson University
All are welcome to attend
11:45-1:00 Plenary Session: The Future of the Internet and Digital Media
(1824 Room, Student Alumni Union)
Moderator: Susan B. Barnes - Rochester Institute of Technology
Ronald J. Deibert - University of Toronto
Gary Gumpert - Communication Landscapers
Liss Jeffrey - University of Toronto
Mary Madden - Pew Internet & American Life Project
1:00 Closing Remarks
1:15 Convention Adjourns
Convention Fees for MEA Members
US $40 Member Registration (on-site)
US $20 Student Registration (full-time student ID required)
Convention Fees for Non-Members
US $60 Convention Registration Only
US $25 Student Convention Registration Only
MEA Membership Fees
(January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004)
US $40 Membership
US $20 Student Membership (full-time student ID required)
Sessions will be held on the RIT Campus.
Directions to the RIT Campus are available at
The conference hotel, located on the RIT Campus,
is the Radisson Hotel Rochester Airport.
Free shuttle service is available
between the Rochester airport and the hotel.
Please mention MEA when making hotel reservations
to receive the convention rate.
Radisson Hotel Rochester Airport
175 Jefferson Rd.
Rochester, NY 14623
800-333-3333 toll free
585-475-1910 | 585-475-9633 fax
<RHI_RONY {at} Radisson.com>
Questions? Contact the Convention Coordinator:
Sue Barnes
Communication Dept.
Rochester Institute of Technology
92 Lomb Memorial Dr.
Rochester, NY 14623-5604
585-475-4695 voice | 585-475-7732 fax
<sbbgpt {at} rit.edu>
News and information about the event is also available
at the Convention Blog <http://www.rit.edu/~sbbgpt/mea-rit>
and at the MEA Web site <<http://www.media-ecology.org>.
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