[Air-l] Fwd: CfP Workshop on measuring the information society at AoIR5, Brighton U.K.

Michel J. Menou Michel.Menou at wanadoo.fr
Mon Jun 7 12:26:56 PDT 2004

This message bounced as "spam" when first sent.
Hope it goes through now. SOrry for th einconvenience
Best regards,

Michel J. Menou             mailto:Michel.Menou at wanadoo.fr 

This is a forwarded message
From: Michel J. Menou <Michel.Menou at wanadoo.fr>
To: air-l at aoir.org
Date: Tuesday, May 18, 2004, 3:35:12 PM
Subject: CfP Workshop on measuring the information society at AoIR5, Brighton U.K.

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Dear Colleagues
Please find below the call for contribution in the above mentioned
As you will notice we have tried to design the event so as to allow
for the widest possible participation.
Data and indicators about the information society are feeding policies
that affect you. This is your chance to air your voice about them.
Looking forward to your contributions
Best regards,
Michel Menou
Pre conference workshop
Association of Internet Researchers Conference
Brighton, U.K.
Saturday 18 September  3-6 p.m.


Co-Sponsored by the European Chapter of the American Society for
Information Science & Technology - ASIS&T/EC

Dr. Michel J. Menou, Information and Knowledge Management consultant,
France & International liaison officer, ASIS&T
Dr. John Daly, Science an technology consultant, USA
Dr. Philippe Vidal, Coordinator E-Atlas project, GRESOC, University of
Toulouse 2, France

Scope and objectives

As public, private and civil society organizations are increasingly
trying to promote and/or take advantage of the information society, or
else the networked economy,  the need for statistical data and
indicators that reflect initial situations, change and its
consequences is generating a variety of initiatives. Networked
Readiness Index, Digital Access Index, Information Intelligence
Quotient, INESXSK, Community Connectivity Indicators, to name a few,
have flourished over the years.

This workshop will provide an opportunity for a critical review and
unconstrained discussion of:
- existing instruments and the frameworks upon which they are based
- data sources, gathering and calculation methods
- intended audiences, usability and reliability
- requirements for improved measures serving all categories of

It is hoped that as a result of the workshop, participants will be
equipped with a renewed broad overview of information society measures
and a vision of the main directions for future research and
development in this area.


Those interested to participate should submit by June 26, 2004 to
M.Menou (Michel.Menou at wanadoo.fr)  an outline in English (500 to 750
words maximum) of a position paper dealing with any aspect of the
above topic. Several aspects my be touched in the same paper, or
alternatively several papers be submitted. Outlines should highlight
in practical terms what the issue is, what is going right, what is
going wrong, why in both case, and what is required to improve the
situation. Outlines will be refereed. The number of participants will
be limited with a view to secure the best possible conditions for
interaction and also for practical reasons.

Authors of an accepted contribution will be  notified by July 31,
2004. They will be invited to provide an expanded outline or short
position paper (2500 words maximum) by August 31, 2004  at the latest.
They will also be requested to register for the workshop and hopefully
the AoIR conference by the same date.

Upon acceptance outlines, expanded abstracts or short papers will be
posted on an electronic list and web site with a view to allow for an
advance discussion among participants and other interested parties.
The list will be moderated in order to avoid inappropriate postings.
The listserv can be found at
http://www.developmentgateway.com/evaluation ; go to the link at the
top of the right hand column and find all information in the FAQ
section. We hope the postings and discussions could start by mid June.

At the workshop the discussion will be arranged around 3 main topics:
what to measure, how to measure, users and use of the measures. For
each of them participants will be invited to very briefly summarize
their positions before a general discussion takes place. There will be
no formal presentation of papers. It is assumed that all those present
will have read beforehand the contributions circulated through the

If participants so desire a summary of the discussions and conclusions
will be posted on the discussion list and/or web site, anonymity of
contributions being secured if and when appropriate.

Workshop Registration fees (to cover local arrangements costs)

1 workshop for attendees of the AoIR conference = £20
2 workshops for attendees of the AoIR conference = £30

1 workshop only (without attendance at AoIR conference)  = £40
2 workshops only (without attendance at AoIR conference) = £70

Separate registration for AoIR conference. All participants in the
workshops and/or conference must pay the fees. AoIR is not subsidized
and operates on volunteer work.

Conference web site

Dr. Michel J. Menou
Consultant in Information and Knowledge Management
Visiting Professor of Information Policy, City University London, U.K.
B.P. 15
49350 Les Rosiers sur Loire, France
Email: Michel.Menou at wanadoo.fr
Phone: +33 (0)2 41518165
Fax: +33 (0)2 41511043

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