[Air-l] Reminder - Invitation to participate in a survey of internet use

Steve Jones sjones at uic.edu
Wed Jun 9 05:49:21 PDT 2004

[A reminder that if you have not taken this survey to please do so, and 
to forward the message below to colleagues and/or faculty email lists 
as you determine appropriate. Thank you. -Sj]


You are invited to participate in an on-line survey and be part of a 
research project to explore various aspects of Internet use by college 
instructors. The survey will take about 10 -­ 15 minutes to complete. 
All of your answers are completely confidential. Responses are analyzed 
only in the aggregate, and are never linked to the individual 
completing the survey. No identifying information is required to 
complete this survey, other than basic demographic characteristics.

Most questions give you response categories from which to choose. 
Others are followed by a blank text area where you can write your 

If you have any questions about this survey, or concerns about 
confidentiality, please contact the Principal Investigator, Steve 
Jones, at sjones at uic.edu. The research protocol has been approved by 
the Institutional Review Board at the University of Illinois at 

  The URL for the survey is http://info.comm.uic.edu:8080/001survey/

If you know of colleagues who might also take this survey, or of 
faculty email lists to which you would feel comfortable informing 
subscribers of it, please forward this email and include this message.

Thank you.

Steve Jones
Professor of Communication
University of Illinois at Chicago
Senior Research Fellow
Pew Internet & American Life Project

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