[Air-l] When I'll be in jail....

Rosalind M. Share roz at infotech.demon.co.uk
Sun Jun 6 12:38:14 PDT 2004

Dear Salter,

> I don't particularly wish to get involved in a discussion about the 
> rights and wrongs of Israel, but to call Hizbollah a "hate organisation" 
> in the same vein as the Neo-Nazis is rather disingenuous to say the  least.
It seems, Mr Salter, that it is you who is disengenuous. I agree that this is
not the forum to discuss the Middle-East and I note that you did not write
"Middle East" but the "rights and wrongs of Israel".  
> After all, Hizbollah are a response to an invasion by Israel.  
I am afraid this statement shows a lack of understanding about Middle East
politics. I respect the fact that this is not the forum, but if you are
interested in a balanced view, I respectfully suggest you begin reading the
many authoritative books on the subject which will clearly show that from the
May 1948, when the State of Israel was declared by the UN, Israel has been in
a state of war and has been attacked many times by her enemies. To maintain
that Hizbollah is an organisation, a response to an invasion, is a perverse
statement reflecting sadly the bias. Hizbollah and other terrorist
organisations which include Osama bin Ladin make clear their policies: the
destruction and annihilation of the State of Israel.

Allow me also to make clear that this extreme view is exactly that and that
Arab and Jew do co-exist in Israel when allowed. It is also evi

While I believe that every individual has a right to express his/her opinion,
what is unacceptable is the misreporting, the misunderstanding and the bias
against any country or any individual, the psychological of which is
important to acknowledge and understanding. 

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| '__|/   \ / __|   / Rosalind M. Share M.A. roz at lupus-support.org.uk
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