Where to publish survey URLs - Re: [Air-l] Reminder - Invitation to participate in a survey of internet use
Ulf-Dietrich Reips
ureips at genpsy.unizh.ch
Thu Jun 10 08:14:32 PDT 2004
Hi Steve, all,
just as a note: we recently created a sister Web
site to our "web experiment list"
(http://genpsylab-wexlist.unizh.ch/) that is
exclusively for web surveys (not containing an
experimental manipulation): the "web survey list"
Pease feel free to submit your survey URLs!
Best wishes, --ur
At 7:49 Uhr -0500 9.6.2004, Steve Jones wrote:
>[A reminder that if you have not taken this
>survey to please do so, and to forward the
>message below to colleagues and/or faculty email
>lists as you determine appropriate. Thank you.
>You are invited to participate in an on-line
>survey and be part of a research project to
>explore various aspects of Internet use by
>college instructors. The survey will take about
>10 -- 15 minutes to complete. All of your
>answers are completely confidential. Responses
>are analyzed only in the aggregate, and are
>never linked to the individual completing the
>survey. No identifying information is required
>to complete this survey, other than basic
>demographic characteristics.
>Most questions give you response categories from
>which to choose. Others are followed by a blank
>text area where you can write your answers.
>If you have any questions about this survey, or
>concerns about confidentiality, please contact
>the Principal Investigator, Steve Jones, at
>sjones at uic.edu. The research protocol has been
>approved by the Institutional Review Board at
>the University of Illinois at Chicago.
> The URL for the survey is http://info.comm.uic.edu:8080/001survey/
>If you know of colleagues who might also take
>this survey, or of faculty email lists to which
>you would feel comfortable informing subscribers
>of it, please forward this email and include
>this message.
>Thank you.
>Steve Jones
>Professor of Communication
>University of Illinois at Chicago
>Senior Research Fellow
>Pew Internet & American Life Project
>Air-l mailing list
>Air-l at aoir.org
Dr. Ulf-Dietrich Reips
Universität Zürich ICQ: 16739325
Psychologisches Institut
Rämistr. 62
CH-8001 Zürich, Switzerland
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