[Air-l] Re: Air-l-aoir.org Digest, Vol 4, Issue 20

Peder Are Jensen pajensen75 at yahoo.no
Fri Nov 26 07:30:38 PST 2004

Hello, Jarek.

Yes, hate is basically socially generated. However, it
can also be strengthened or weakened in various ways.
I am not sure whether I fully agree with you that "web
sites only replicate the existing social divisions." I
think they do more than that. I spend a lot of time
researching websites related to Islam or anything
Islamic. From all possible angles, both conservative
ones, websites dealing with extremist militants
calling for Jihad, reformist and secularist ones and
even websites of people rejecting Islam. Now, if you
take the extremes on both ends of this, the most
violent Islamists and radical Islam-rejecters, these
are groups that would have a hard time getting their
message across in more traditional and conservative
media. I do think the Internet itself is empowering
such groups in a way that is significant, enabling
them to spread their message to wider audiences. At
the very least, the web is greatly facilitating social
changes already underway. It may even be creating
changes, even though I know many would reject such a
view as technological determinism. This includes hate
sites, such as those Islamic militant sites decsribed
on the Internet Haganah. 

Just my 2 cents. 

Yous sincerely, Mr. Peder Jensen.

Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2004 17:21:00 -0800
From: "J. J." <japeks at hotmail.com>
Subject: RE: [Air-l] 1. Re: Virtual Ethnicities/Online
Hate Speech
To: air-l at listserv.aoir.org
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Hi Peder,

I think that "hate" is socially generated, cyberspace
or not. The web 
only replicate the existing social divisions. I've
checked the links 
provided, and they don't help me understand the
phenomenon of the 
extremists” much. I am not sure if that can be
understood without 
participation of the other side either and those web
sites don't seem 
to be 
inviting any such discussion. My point then is that
cyberspace will 
answers only to the point already determined (and
allowed) in the world 
outside of it.
What do you think?


>From: Peder Are Jensen <pajensen75 at yahoo.no>
>Reply-To: air-l at listserv.aoir.org
>To: air-l-aoir.org at listserv.aoir.org
>Subject: [Air-l] 1. Re: Virtual Ethnicities/Online
Hate Speech Date: 
>22 Nov 2004 17:27:26 +0100 (CET)
> >From Peder Jensen, Master Student at the University
of Oslo, Norway. 
>Charles Ess mentioned searching for hate communities
online. Have you 
>looking at websites by Islamic extremists? You can
track some of them 
>through websites like these:
>Yours sincerely, Mr. Peder Jensen.

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