[Air-l] Research supporting net access throughout an organization

Michele H Jackson Michele.Jackson at colorado.edu
Wed Oct 13 10:06:51 PDT 2004

Hi - I'm hoping list members might be able to help me identify some research
relevant to this situation:  I have a colleague who is trying to make a case to
her university chancellors that they need to provide *all* university employees
with online access.  Currently, they have pockets of employees who do not have
access to computers (either physical access, or access relating to not having
network logins, having no time to check computers due to job constraints, etc.)

The university is building a single portal for all faculty and staff.  She's
concerned that there will be segments of the staff who won't have access to this

She's interested in building a case not only that it would help their work
practices, but also build a better organizational culture, provide feelings of
(or perhaps even actual) empowerment, etc.

This is a kind of *organizational* digital divide, and while I know of general
research relating to how technology changes organizations, I'm wondering if
anyone knows of research that is more specific to her situation?

Thanks very much,

Michele H. Jackson		|  jackson at colorado.edu
Associate Professor		|  http://comm.colorado.edu/jackson	
Department of Communication	|  v:303-492-8139
University of Colorado		|  f:303-492-8411
Boulder, CO  80309-0270		|  

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