[Air-l] students, activism, the day before the US election, and a web cam

riggsk at ohio.edu riggsk at ohio.edu
Sun Oct 31 07:16:21 PST 2004

Hi, David,

Your activist communications certainly have been a positive force for the list this year. I think we 
are all feeling nervous with only two more days to go before the big day. At our own campus, 
some of us have been signing up students to vote and following that up with encouragement but 
nothing on the scale of this approach. Tomorrow will be an opportunity for all of us.

The reason I'm writing, though, is to check on whether you might have assigned reviews of my 
book, Granny at Work. I know that Matt Byrnie said he sent copies. I'm wondering because I'm 
putting together my case for full professor and am leaving no stone unturned.  It's quick to expect 
reviews, I know, but I did receive an advance copy from Leslie for the Can. JOC and wondered if 
you might have collected anything as well.

Thanks for your trouble,

Karen Riggs

Karen E. Riggs
Director, School of Telecommunications
Ohio University

Quoting david silver <dsilver at u.washington.edu>:

> hello!
> here in seattle, we've organized a pretty interesting series of
> events that 
> will take place across the university of washington campus on the day
> before 
> the election (http://www.thedaybefore.org).  what is interesting, to
> me at 
> least, is the diversity of supporters and the number of supporters
> (80 and 
> growing!).  the idea is simple: there are 55,000 students, staff, and
> faculty at UW and we think they should all vote.  we expect some
> public 
> spectacles, so be sure to tune in on our web cam: 
> http://www.washington.edu/cambots
> david silver
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