[Air-l] Why not make Aoir 5.0 "Virtual conference"?

jeremy hunsinger jhuns at vt.edu
Tue Oct 5 20:36:49 PDT 2004

for my part, I'd say 'no thanks' but then I tend to be a realist about 
labor costs, personnel effort, etc.  but this seems like it could be 
done, and no doubt it can.  so, I'd say on my behalf if anyone can do 
it professionally, and show how it would not increase costs either real 
in terms of networking charges and labor, then I'm sure it would be 
seriously considered by the exec.  else, I must tell you that I'm not 
enthused about it.  primarily because in this case the virtual has a 
very real referent in terms of labor, and cost.

however, if all you are talking about is an online forum, then we 
already have that.  it has never taken off for the conferences in the 
past though.  I think the closest think you'll get to this model from 
the most recent conference was the blogs, likewise with the 2003 
conference, 2002 had an online forum, and on back through time there 
was always some support for this, either directly or indirectly, but 
we've never had a huge takeup on it, and I don't think you can do much 
to change that.  I could be wrong and would be happy to be proven 

On Oct 5, 2004, at 10:02 PM, meiwu at umac.mo wrote:

> As we are all researchers on the "virtual world", why should we still 
> keep
> to
> the old, pre-Internet tradition of holding an annual conference in a 
> "real
> venue,"
> but not in a "virtual venue"?
> All the technologies to hold a virtual conference are available. What 
> we
> need is to be more innovative in practising what we have been 
> campaigning
> in
> our research: being global and connecting to as many people as possible
> with
> the help of the internet.
> What I suggest is that Aoir 5.0 could select one "real venue," and at 
> the
> same
> time, set up a "virtual venue" for those who have registered, but for
> whatever
> reasons (be entry regulations, cost consideration, busy schedules,
> hurricanes, etc..)
> could not come to the "real venue" to participate, specially for panel
> discussions. Virtual
> participants can also organize local panels.
> Just throw my little thought here.
> Wu Mei
> University of Macau
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Jeremy Hunsinger
Center for Digital Discourse and Culture
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