[Air-l] Pre-conference meeting in London September 18th?

Jakob Linaa Jensen Jakob.Linaa at ps.au.dk
Thu Sep 9 06:16:48 PDT 2004

Dear all

I have planned my travel to the AoIR 5.0 in Sussex to get a day and night in London at September 18th. I would like to know if anybody else happens to be in London the evening of the 18th and would like to attend a social gathering.

We could eat in a nice place, have a good discussion and enjoy a few drinks (I know a lot of good places as London is my favourite city).

If anybody is interested, please mail me at jakob.linaa at ps.au.dk.

Otherwise I look forward to see everybody at the conference.

All the best,

Jakob Linaa Jensen
M.A., Politics, Ph.d.-scholar, Dep. Of Political Science, 
University of Aarhus
Universitetsparken, 8000 Ã…rhus C., Denmark
Phone: +45 20867777    E-mail:jakob.linaa at ps.au.dk
Web: www.netdemocracy.dk / www.linaa.net 

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