[Air-l] AoIR Feminists and Queers Doing Internet Research Birds of a Feather

Mary Bryson mary.bryson at ubc.ca
Wed Sep 1 12:09:40 PDT 2004

Thanks for proposing this BoF Michele. The "feminists and queers" is an
interesting and provocative conjunction. Queer<y>ing Internet Research - the
olde english meaning of queer, the verb form would be a very useful
discussion. Interesting that it occupies very little <visible> airtime on
this list. I suppose, what I am saying is something close to the notion that
the centre needs to be disrupted. Count me in.

Dr. Mary Bryson, Associate Professor and Graduate Coordinator, ECPS, Faculty
of Education, University of British Columbia

On 8/28/04 1:24 PM, "Michele White" <mwhite at wellesley.edu> wrote:

> Dear Colleagues,
> I am proposing a "Feminists and Queers Doing Internet Research" birds of a
> feather meeting. This meeting might address the representation of women,
> queers, and people of color in new media keynotes and other positions of
> honor, the politics of Internet research, and increasing our visibility
> and practices in AoIR and the "field." We could meet Sunday during the
> scheduled BoF time (1-2:15pm) and then potentially schedule something
> else. I look forward to hearing other people's thoughts on what needs to
> be discussed and accomplished.
> Looking forward to this!
> Michele
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