[Air-l] Slides, powerpoint presentations

Sheizaf Rafaeli sheizaf at rafaeli.net
Sun Sep 26 23:22:12 PDT 2004

I have had a few requests to collect and post powerpoint presentations used
in the Sussex conference. 

People are already requested to :

1) Submit full papers to the aoir archive, by mailing to papers at aoir.org 

2) Submit papers for inclusion in the Annual (please send to Mia Consalvo,
at consalvo at ohio.edu )

 Without adding to the confusion, let me also urge you to share your
powerpoint presentations. I will place these alongside the online abstracts,
in the online program, available here: http://gsb.haifa.ac.il/~sheizaf/AOIR5

Prof. Sheizaf Rafaeli
Center for the Study of the Information Society
and the Graduate School of Business 
University of Haifa.       Tel +972-4-8249578 
sheizaf at rafaeli.net    http://sheizaf.rafaeli.net  
 Si fractum non sit, noli id reficere.

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