[Air-l] Review articles on social worlds requested

mboudour at upatras.gr mboudour at upatras.gr
Mon Apr 25 03:50:10 PDT 2005


I was wondering whether you could suggest any review articles you might 
happen to know on the theory of social worlds (as elaborated by Strauss, 
Becker, Fujimura etc.) not necessarily only in the particular context of 
STS, Internet studies, information technologies, open source etc. but 
perhaps in a more general sociological setting. As far as it is a review 
article surveying a variety advances made in the theory of social worlds 
it would fit to what I'm looking for.

Best regards,


  M.A. Boudourides
  Associate Professor
  Department of Mathematics
  University of Patras
  265 00 Rio-Patras

  Tel.: +30-2610-996318
  Fax:  +30-2610-996318, +30-2610-992965 


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