[Air-l] Info Overload, and How!

Sarah Stein sstein at unity.ncsu.edu
Mon Apr 18 14:26:54 PDT 2005

>Hi there, in response to Jeff's post below re David Levy's work on info
>overload...Canadian Heather Menzies has just published a new book called No
>Time: Stress and the Crisis of Modern Life (Douglas and McIntyre, 2005).
>is one of the most trenchant feminist critics of technology in Canada. I
>reviewed the book for the Globe and Mail this past Sat., the entire review is

	I'm glad to hear of the release of Menzies' book--thanks 
Leslie!  I also want to let everyone know of my chapter, "A Cyberroom 
of One's Own," in Reload: Rethinking Women and Cyberculture, edited 
by Mary Flanagan and Austin Booth, MIT Press, 2002. I talk about this 
issue of technological multitasking and overload from a feminist 
perspective in that, as well as thinking about what conditions are 
needed for creativity.

	back to  everything else I'm behind on--
	Sarah Stein
Sarah Stein, Ph.D.
Associate Professor,  Dept of Communication
Chair, Teaching, Learning & Technology Roundtable (TLTR)
Box 8104,  N.C. State University     
Raleigh, NC 27695-8104      
Ph: 919-515-9741; Fax 919-515-9456

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