[Air-l] Nominations for Best OrgComm/InfoSystems Article; Junior Faculty Workshop at Academy of Management
Ronald E. Rice
rrice at comm.ucsb.edu
Mon Feb 14 23:07:38 PST 2005
Nominations for OCIS Best Paper Award for 2004
Now that 2004 has come to a close, it is time for the Organizational
Communication and Information Systems Division of the Academy of Management
to recognize a best paper published in 2004 by a member of the OCIS Division
in any refereed journal that has made a significant contribution to the OCIS
domain. The OCIS domain is defined as the study of behavioral, economic,
and social aspects of communication and information systems within and among
organizations or institutions. The paper may be published in any refereed
communication, management, or information systems journals. Nominations from
any OCIS member are accepted; at least one of the authors of the nominated
paper should be an OCIS member. OCIS Central
(http://divisons.aomonline.org/ocis/) has a list of OCIS members. Please
send your nominations by April 15th, 2004 to Ann Majchrzak, OCIS
Division-Chair Elect at majchrza at usc.edu. Nomination should include:
1) Title of article
2) Authors
3) Name of journal and publication date (month, volume, number, year);
include an electronic copy if you have it
4) Reason for nomination (just a few sentences on why you think that
this article has had a significant impact on the OCIS domain)
I look forward to receiving your nominations. I will be asking a committee
to review the nominations to make an award decision to be announced in
Hawaii in August.
Ann Majchrzak, PhD
Professor of Information Systems
Marshall School of Business
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089
majchrza at usc.edu
2005 Academy of Management Junior Faculty Consortium for Organization
Communication and Information Systems Division
Junior faculty members (i.e., currently in your first to fourth year as an
Assistant Professor) are encouraged to attend one of the most enjoyable and
rewarding pre-conference activities for the Academy of Management -- the
OCIS Junior Faculty Consortium. The consortium will be held on Saturday,
August 6, 2005 in Honolulu(!), from 9:00 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. The following
Camp Counselors have agreed to host you and provide you guidance as we talk
about your research and teaching:
Ritu Agarwal -- Tyser Professor of Information Systems, Robert H. Smith
School of Business, University of Maryland
Jon W. Beard -- Krannert School of Management, Purdue University
Chris Kemerer -- David M. Roderick Chair in Information Systems, Katz
Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh
Gordon B. Davis -- Honeywell Professor of Management Information Systems,
Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota
Ann Majchrzak -- Professor of Information Systems, Marshall School of
Business, University of Southern California
Ronald E. Rice -- Arthur N. Rupe Endowed Professor, Dept. of Communication,
University of California at Santa Barbara
Pre-registration is required. Campers are expected to be in attendance for
the entire day (i.e., from 9:00 a.m. until 5:30 p.m.). If you are interested
in attending, please send an email to Ann Majchrzak (majchrza at usc.edu) by
June 1, 2005 with the following information:
Contact information
Institution from which you received your PhD and year
Current appointment (rank and institution)
Year you joined this institution
Brief description of your research interests, along with 5-7 keywords
Whether you are a member of the OCIS division (membership not required)
Whether (and when) you have attended the OCIS camp in the past.
Ronald E. Rice
Arthur N. Rupe Endowed Professor
Dept. of Communication, University of California
Incoming President of the International Communication Association
Co-Director, Center for Film, Television and New Media
Santa Barbara, CA 91306-4020
ph: 805-893-8696; fax: 805-893-7102
rrice at comm.ucsb.edu
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