[Air-l] Deaf populations and Internet use

Gerard Goggin g.goggin at uq.edu.au
Sun Feb 6 21:17:52 PST 2005

Dear Lauren,

Important topic, which deserves attention -- as does the area of Deaf 
people and text messaging that Rich points to. So too does theorising 
the relationships between Deaf cultures and various communication 
technologies (esp. Internet and mobiles).

Can I suggest that there is quite a useful amount of material on this 
topic provided by Deaf advocacy and research organisations 
themselves, esp. those who've been active around new media, 
telecommunications and Internet issues; also by disability technology 
specialist organisations who work in partnership with thems-- so 
tapping into these networks could be quite useful.

For example, you could look at work that has emerged in the COST 219 
and 219bis, and affiliated European research programs. Or work done 
by the National Centre for Accessible Media in Boston.

A good article on the Australian experience is: Phil Harper, 
'Networking the Deaf Nation', Australian Journal of Communication, 
30.3 (2003): 153-67. An earlier version of this paper, which 
describes the research by Australian Association of the Deaf on which 
it is based, is at: http://www.crf.dcita.gov.au/forum_program_02.html

In Christopher Newell and my 'Digital Disability' book (Rowman & 
Littlefield, 2003), we discuss Deaf/deaf (or hard-of-hearing) issues 
and new media (esp. digital television), and present a theoretical 
perspective on disability & Deafness -- basically drawn from the 
emerging critical disability studies. We do have a chapter on 
Internet but it focusses on Blind use of the Internet.

Best wishes with your work,

Gerard Goggin

>Dear AoIRers,
>I'm looking for research about deaf/Deaf populations and internet 
>use.  I'm particularly interested in CMC (chat, IM, email, etc.), 
>even more particularly of the linguistic persuasion, but simple 
>discussions of usage or examinations from sociological, 
>psychological, educational, etc. viewpoints would be great as well. 
>You can email me off-list.
>Lauren Squires
>Linguistics Program
>University of Virginia
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Dr Gerard Goggin
ARC Australian Research Fellow
Centre for Critical and Cultural Studies
University of Queensland, Brisbane 4072 Qld Australia
e: g.goggin at uq.edu.au   m: 0428 66 88 24 
www.gerardgoggin.net.au // www.cccs.uq.edu.au
research blog: http://hypertext.rmit.edu.au/~blogs/gerardgoggin/

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