[Air-l] cfp for Mini-track "Value Webs in the Digital Economy" @ HICSS 2006

Jan Marco Leimeister Leimeister at in.tum.de
Sat Feb 19 09:06:03 PST 2005

Apologies for cross-postings. 

Jan Marco Leimeister 


Part of the Internet and the Digital Economy Track  the 
Thirty-ninth Annual
Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences
January 4 - 7, 2006
Hyatt Regency, Kauai 

Additional details may be found on HICSS primary web site: 

Prof. Dr. Helmut A.O. Krcmar 
Chair for Information Systems (I17)
Technische Universität München, Germany 
Email: krcmar at in.tum.de 

Kalle Lyytinen, PhD 
Iris S. Wolstein Professor 
Department of Information Systems 
Weatherhead School of Management 
Case Western Reserve University, USA 
Email: kalle at po.cwru.edu 

Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister
Assistant Professor for Information Systems (I17)
Technische Universität München, Germany 
Email: leimeister at in.tum.de 

Diffusion of Internet, web services as well as mobile and pervasive 
technologies will result in industry wide and organizational 
transformation with far reaching economic effects. The transformation is 
enabled by new and pervasive ICT infrastructures that foster disruptive 
product- and process-innovations. Recent innovations in new business 
practices such as zero latency business, mass customisation, product 
modularisation, enterprise application integration, collaborative supply 
chain management, mobile commerce, customer integration in product 
development and distribution are just few examples of deep business 
transformations the internet and mobile technologies have launched. 
Internet and mobile technologies affect all facets of production, 
distribution and usage of information goods and significantly transform 
development-, production- and distribution of physical goods in 
?Old-Economy? industries. 

The impact of internet based technologies is visible in current corporate 
strategies. These strategies recognize new competitive challenges within 
existing value chains that dissolve and need to be reassembled. 
Competition is shifting from an inter-company level to a competition over 
strategic partners, architectural control and  alternative value 
estraction logics. This we call competition within and between emerging 
value webs- new value chain arrangements. Value webs consist of networks 
of partners and competitors which collaborate and compete across and 
within various stages of value chain. The interactions are enabled and 
constrained by ICT capability  and value extraction within the web  draws 
upon specific architectural responsibility and control assigned to 
different partners. 

Information systems researchers have directed their attention to specific 
examples of these Net-Enabled Value Webs. Net Enabled Value Webs can 
execute transactions, rapidly exchange information, and innovate through 
new business processes, and at an unprecedented pace. Accordingly 
inter-organizational cooperation is often discussed in terms of 
B2B-Marketplaces, supply chain management, virtual organizations, or 
strategic alliances etc. Also new types of collaborative communities, e.g. 
on-line communities or communities of practice, are emerging which have 
changed the relationships between producer and consumers. Information and 
communication technologies both enable and constrain these and other types 
of value web arrangements. Recently, the impact and potential of mobile & 
ubiquitous computing technologies and the transformation of wireless 
communications to broadband data services has attracted increased 
attention in shaping new value creation networks (see e.g. several tracks 
in conferences such as ICIS etc. and special editions of journals such 
Electronic Markets, etc.). There is an urgent need to reconfigure large 
portions of the value chains that deliver mobile services. All these 
aspects and research topics describe a paradigm shift in value creation 
and extraction in the age of the internet. 

Since the research in value webs requires multidisciplinary research 
involving applied computer and information sciences (such as computer 
supported cooperative work, artificial intelligence, information 
retrieval, human computer interaction, information systems, ontologies) 
and social sciences (such as economics, management science), the minitrack 
addresses both empirical and conceptual research that draws upon the 
interdisciplinary nature of the field. The topics covered in the minitrack 
include, but are not restricted to the following subjects: 
?       New IT-enabled services and service architectures in and for value 
?       Architectures and infrastructures for value webs (architectural 
control and value extraction, scope and flexibility, Application 
Integration within Value Webs, evolvability) 
?       New types of platforms for value webs (e-collaboration, 
collaborative market places, R&D knowledge communities) 
?       New technologies enabling value webs (e.g. RFID, smart dust) 
?       Standards and ontologies for Inter- and Intra-organizational 
Collaboration in Value Webs (web service choreographies, semantics) 
?       Customer Integration in value webs (customer knowledge sharing,) 
?       Supply chain management, marketplaces, and product development in 
Value Webs 
?       Interfaces, methods, products, service design and social 
considerations for collaboration in value webs 
?       Power, trust  and social control in  technology mediated value 
?       Methods for supporting, creating and adapting value webs 
?       Adoption and diffusion of ICT in value webs, the role and impact 
of standards as coordinating mechanism 
?       Case studies and reference models for value webs in different 
?       Social, political and economic impact of value webs 
?       Business models and economic analyses for value webs

For further Information please visit the mini-track website 



- Authors may contact mini-track chairs for guidance and indication of 
appropriate content at anytime.
*June 15 
- Authors submit full papers to the peer review system, following author 
instructions found on the HICSS web site (www.hicss.hawaii.edu). All 
papers will be submitted in double column publication format and limited 
to 10 pages including diagrams and references. Papers undergo a 
double-blind review. 
*August 15 
- Acceptance/rejection notices are sent to authors via the peer review 
*September 15 
- Authors submit final version of papers following submission instructions 
on the peer review system web site.  At least one author of each paper 
must register by this date with specific plans to attend the conference to 
present the paper. 
*October 2 
-  General registration fee applies until December 10.
*December 10 
-  Deadline to guarantee your hotel room reservation at conference rate. 
Deadline to receive conference registration refund.

* HICSS papers must contain original material not previously published, 
nor currently submitted elsewhere.
* Consult the conference website (www.hicss.hawaii.edu) for the listing 
and description of Minitracks for HICSS-39. 
* (optional)  Contact the Minitrack Chair(s) by email for guidance and 
verification of appropriate content.
* Do not submit the manuscript to more than one Minitrack Chair. If unsure 
of which Minitrack is appropriate, submit abstract to the Track Chair for 
* HICSS will conduct double-blind reviews of each submitted paper. 
* Submit full paper according to detailed instructions found on the Peer 
Review System website. 

Mini-Track Chairs: 

Prof. Dr. Helmut A.O. Krcmar 
Chair for Information Systems (I 17) 
Technische Universität München, Germany 
Email: krcmar at in.tum.de 

Kalle Lyytinen, PhD 
Iris S. Wolstein Professor 
Department of Information Systems 
Weatherhead School of Management 
Case Western Reserve University, USA 
Email: kalle at po.cwru.edu 

Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister 
Information Systems (I 17) 
Technische Universität München, Germany 
Email: leimeister at in.tum.de 
url: www.winfobase.de 

Hyatt Regency Kauai
1571 Poipu Road
Koloa, Kauai HI 96756


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