[Air-l] Winter 2004 executive committee report + 2006 Location!
Nancy Baym
nbaym at ku.edu
Tue Jan 11 08:49:17 PST 2005
January, 2005
Report of the a.o.i.r. executive committee
Prepared by Nancy Baym
AoIR Executive Committee
President: Nancy Baym
Vice-President: Matthew Allen
Secretary: Ulla Bunz
Treasurer: Benjamin Bates
Open Seats: Radhika Gajjala and Annette Markham
Appointed Seats: Monica Murero and Randolph Kluver
Student Seat: Leslie Tkach-Kawasaki
Publications Officers: Jeremy Hunsinger and Charlie Breindahl
Past President (ex-officio): Steve Jones
2005 Conference Program Chair: Caroline Haythornthwaite
1. Introduction & General (Baym)
This is the place to find out what's going on in
the association. It's the best way for you to
keep up so please read it! Our 24/7 discussions
of the month on the executive committee mailing
list are summarized in Ulla Bunz's section of the
In addition to the enormous amount of organizing
we have been doing (see Ulla's report below), we
are pleased to announce the location for our 2006
conference: Brisbane Australia. Kylie Veale is
serving as the local organizer, and we hope to
announce a program chair shortly. We hope that
this Pacific Rim location will enable people who
have found it hard to attend our North American
and European meetings to join us there.
Also, election time will soon be upon us and I
urge you to consider running for office. This
association is only as good as the people who
volunteer to make it work. As outlined in Ulla's
report below, many positions are opening. Jeremy
Hunsinger, who has overseen all of our technology
since our inception, will be leaving this role.
That is an appointed position, so if you have
interest in that, please let someone on the
current executive committee know. We will also be
seeking a new treasurer, as Ben Bates will not be
running again, so if you have experience with
finance, please consider running for this
important slot.
2. Executive Officers' Reports
2.1 President (Baym)
2.1.1 The conference in Sussex went off very
well, with many thanks to Sheizaf Rafaeli and
Kate O'Riordan for their hard work. We are now
busy planning Chicago in October, 2005 and laying
groundwork for Brisbane, 2006. I had the chance
to visit the Chicago site this fall and think
people will be pleased with the layout. All rooms
are in a relatively compact area with a central
meeting space that will work very well for
socializing. The hotel itself is located very
well, near the lake, lots of shopping, the Art
Institute, and many other attractions.
We also have two new babies to welcome as both
Steve Jones and Charlie Breindahl became fathers
this fall (Charlie for the second time)!
Congratulations to them and their families.
2.2 Vice President (Allen)
2.2.1 I am facilitating the AoIR website
discussions group of the Exec; am chairing the
Conference Management Committee of the Exec; have
organised local liaison and program chair for
2006 conference. In January I will start managing
the election process for 2005.
2.3 Secretary (Bunz)
2.3.1 Since our last official report I have been
dealing with record keeping including agendas and
minutes, organizational statistics, and vote
counting. The vote counting included keeping
complex issues straight and providing clarifying
summaries to the exec. I have put up the pilot
survey and provided an in-depth analysis of the
"what to keep about our conferences" question to
the exec. I have participated actively in the
discussions on the CMC and the 2006 and beyond
conference locations, as well as contributed to
other discussions, proof reading, website
testing, Listserve transition issues, paper
archives, etc. As the secretary is not a member
of the CMC (for explanation see below), I cannot
summarize their dealings and decisions, but below
is the summary for the exec Listserve.
What's been happening on the exec:
August 12, 2003 January 2, 2005
- Perhaps the most significant change on the
exec, which also accounts for the reduced email
traffic on that listserve, has come about due to
the institution of the Conference Management
Committee (CMC). The CMC is AoIR-internal and
deals with organizational conference issues. This
allows us to standardize a lot of things and
reduce the amount of detail work it takes every
year when organizing the conference. This also
reduced the micro-management of the exec in
conference planning, though the exec still has to
approve major decisions made by the CMC.
Membership on the CMC rotates. Membership
consists of: vice-president (who is in charge of
the CMC), immediate past president, treasurer,
student representative, local liaisons for the
upcoming and the next conference (right now, 2005
and 2006), the program chairs for the upcoming
and the next conference, an appointed AoIR
member, and a representative of the conference
agency at Virginia Tech. The conference agency is
not to be confused with the CMC. The conference
agency is an external organization that we are
paying to take care of things like hotel
reservations, program printing, etc. as explained
in my last summary in September, 2004. We debated
membership of the CMC at length and even
rescinded an earlier vote as new issues had to be
considered. The final consistency was approved by
a vote of 10 in favor and 1 missing vote.
- The exec helped proof and edit the Call for
Papers for Internet Research 6.0, "Internet
Generations," in Chicago, October 5-9, 2005. The
call went to Air-l on December 15 and can be
retrieved here:
- There was last minute conference coordination
on issues like awards plaques,
exec conference meetings, final program issues, birds of feather meetings,
Cafepress, and instruction to panel chairs.
- After the conference we discussed general
conference issues, including blogs, computer
access, and budget. A working group on
virtualizing the conference has been set up, led
by Tracy Kennedy. Contact her if you are
interested in this issue.
- We had animated discussion on the conference
locations for 2006 and beyond. We took into
consideration a number of issues, such as
enhancing our international reach,
financial/budget issues, organizational growth,
and membership opinions. Brisbane was chosen as
the 2006 location. The local liaison will be
Kylie Veale from Curtin University. We have also
begun considerations for conference locations
beyond 2006 as we are beginning to be able to
plan long-term.
- Jeremy transitioned us onto a new Listserve
program but most didn't experience too many
difficulties. Some people had password problems
but with combined efforts, Jeremy and I figured
them out.
- We have continued to evaluate our stats on paper submission and conference
attendance. To make a long story short: We continue to get more international.
However, South American and African scholars are
still very under-represented. Our Asian
contingent remains comparatively small as well.
- We had to deal with an allegation of academic
fraud. The issue was resolved to the satisfaction
of both parties involved.
- Jeremy prepared a new electronic conference
submission and management system
that we tested and will be using from now on. So,
watch for submission guidelines!
- We conducted a pilot survey Monica Murero
designed related to conference issues and
discussed the results and how they (should)
influence our planning of future conferences. So
far they have been guiding us mostly in the 2006
decision, but we have also noted that most people
like the smaller size of AoIR, that you want
Internet access at the conferences, and that you
really like open spaces to mingle and talk.
- Based on a suggestion by Michele White, we
now have a Listserve for "feminists, postcolonial
theorists, and queers doing Internet research."
- As many of you may have noticed, the
members-only part of the AoIR website has been
down for a while, which is also why we do not
have the conference paper archive for 2004 up
yet. This is due to a website transition that we
are undergoing. As all of the code-writing is
done by Jeremy "pro bono" it's simply taking a
little while longer. Please be patient, or
volunteer your help if you have experience with
programming. Matthew Allen is coordinating the
web development, so contact him if you are able
to help.
- We are starting to gear up for AoIR elections
which will be held in the spring. More
information will be made available, but
essentially there will be 10 positions open. The
presidency is by default as Matt Allen will move
up to become our president. Of the 10 positions,
6 are voted on by the membership
(Vice-president/President-elect, treasurer, 2
open seats, graduate rep, and secretary). The
remaining 4 are appointments (two technology
people, two seats). If you are interested in
running for any of the positions, please keep an
eye out for more information. If there are people
you would like to see run, please encourage them
to do so.
2.4 Treasurer (Bates)
2.4.1. Busy managing membership as always.
2.5 Open Seats (Gajjala, Markham)
2.5.1 Gajjala: has been participating in discussion.
2.5.2 Markham: Been participating in Executive committee discussions of future
conferences and direction of the association. Actively participated
in dealing with various issues arising at the most recent conference.
Also been helping with analysis of AOIR's web presence and testing
possible interfaces. The qualitative research methods listserv has
been up and running but there seems to be more discussion activity on
Theresa Senft's blog, so this special interest group seems to have
shifted. I have joined the Ethics working committee.
2.6 Appointed Seats (Murero, Kluver)
2.6.1 Murero: I have participated to all
discussions and decisions in air-exec,
and have organized the AoIR conference pilot
survey , and analyzed results (to be discussed in
2.6.2 Kluver: has been participating in discussion.
2.7 Student Seat (Tkach-Kawaski)
2.7.1 During this winter, I
* participated in web-site discussions through the
new site design draft, and am looking forward to further
* participated in the conference management committee by
offering opinions when warranted;
* suggested/participated in 2005 keynote speaker discussion.
2.8 Publications Officers (Hunsinger, Breindahl)
2.8.1 Hunsinger: I've been very busy and my
current main project is to get the new version of
the website up and running with the members area
all set.
other than that, I've been involved with everything ulla noted.
2.8.2 Breindahl: I'm still weeding out the Rolex
offers and the viruses (Subject: "Hi!") from the
real messages to AIR-L. I am also active in the
discussions regarding the future web presence of
2.9 Past-President (Jones):
In the main I've been working on the planning for
the 2005 conference in Chicago, which is coming
along quite well. The conference will take place
in the heart of Chicago's downtown and I'm
working on setting up several 'local' events of a
non-scholarly nature for everyone's enjoyment.
I've also been preparing for the onslaught of
paperwork associated with attaining permanent
non-profit tax-exempt educational status from the
U.S. Internal Revenue Service. Our temporary
status expires at the end of this calendar year,
and we must file forms to demonstrate that our
activities over the past five years have been
consistent with those of a non-profit tax-exempt
educational organization. While I am confident
that our activities have met the IRS's criteria,
one never knows how they may be viewed by others,
and there is rather a lot of information to sort
through and paperwork to be written up. A final
determination should be forthcoming by the middle
of 2005.
3.0 2005 Conference Program Chair (Caroline Haythornthwaite)
The conference website is nearly ready for release and should be available
soon. Deadlines will be reconsidered given the timing of the site
released. New reviewers are still being sought as well as calling on those
who have reviewed in the past.
Nancy Baym http://www.ku.edu/home/nbaym
Communication Studies, University of Kansas
Bailey Hall, 1440 Jayhawk Blvd., Room 102, Lawrence, KS 66045-7574, USA
Association of Internet Researchers: http://aoir.org
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