[Air-l] Missing link to the IR 6.0 site

Anders Fagerjord anders.fagerjord at media.uio.no
Wed Jan 19 02:16:20 PST 2005

Nice to see the improved site! It deserves a link to it.

AoIR's main page (http://aoir.org) does not have a link to the 
conference! The title of this year's conference ought to be a link, and 
there should ideally also be a link in the left-hand menu. To add 
insult to injury, the conference is not linked from the "links" 
section, and if you choose "conference" from the "resources" section, 
you get the 2003 conference. How are people supposed to find the cool 
new site?

Less important, but nice, would be to make the AoIR logo on the 2006 
conference page a link to http://aoir.org. Lots of people will click 
the logo anyway, before they see the text link to the right.

Anders Fagerjord, Ph.D.
Post-doctoral Research Fellow

Department of Media and Communication
University of Oslo

P.O. Box 1093 Blindern, N-0317 OSLO, Norway
Tel. +47 22 85 04 11 Fax +47 22 85 04 01


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