[Air-l] translation appreciated

Irene Berkowitz irene.berkowitz at temple.edu
Wed Jan 12 10:13:11 PST 2005

A guess Barry - but I am sure the author will have a much
better response.

"Negates the microscopic view" (?)

I found this is Merriam-Webster online (m-w.com - a great site).

Main Entry: sub·late 
Pronunciation: "s&-'blAt
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): sub·lat·ed; sub·lat·ing
Etymology: Latin sublatus (pp. of tollere to take away, lift
up), from sub- up + latus, past participle of ferre to carry
-- more at SUB-, TOLERATE, BEAR
2 : to negate or eliminate (as an element in a dialectic
process) but preserve as a partial element in a synthesis
- sub·la·tion  /-'blA-sh&n/ noun  

Narrative (adj.) the representation in art of an event or
story; also : an example of such a representation

---- Original message ----
>Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2005 11:49:37 -0500
>From: Barry Wellman <wellman at chass.utoronto.ca>  
>Subject: [Air-l] translation appreciated  
>To: aoir list <air-l at aoir.org>, communication and information
technology section asa <citasa at mit.edu>, communication and
information technology section asa <citasa at mit.edu>
>A review of Wellman & Haythornthwaite _The Internet in
Everyday Life_
>(Blackwell 2002) in _Sociology_ 38, 4, July 2004: 641-643
says that "The Global
>Villagers" article I coauthored needs more:
>"sublating micro-narratival accounts of a global phenomenon".
>Although I am always eager to learn, this suggestion is not
in a language
>I speak.
>My spell checker was no help, even when I set it to "English
(U.K.)". The
>OED (2nd ed.) is no help either, as the first meaning of
"sublate" is
>obsolete and the second and third meanings are different from
each other.
>"Narratival," probably an offshoot of "narrative," does not
even make the
>I've asked the author of the review for a translation but
received no
>Hence, I look elsewhere:
>Can anyone translate in whole or in part?
> Barry
>  Barry Wellman         Professor of Sociology        NetLab
>  wellman at chass.utoronto.ca 
>  Centre for Urban & Community Studies          University of
>  455 Spadina Avenue    Toronto Canada M5S 2G8   
>	     To network is to live; to live is to network
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Irene Berkowitz
Director of Curricular Publications
Temple University
Office of the Vice Provost

Please note my new email address below and update your address records accordingly. 
irene.berkowitz at temple.edu 

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