[Air-l] Cyberwar Roundtable Addendum
Irene Berkowitz
irene.berkowitz at temple.edu
Thu Jan 27 09:22:17 PST 2005
Mark Tempestelli would be a great guy to consider as a
discussant. I have unfortunately lost touch with him since he
left the Naval Academy, where he was head of Network Centric
Warfare, but he might be a member of the Media Ecology Assn.,
and you might be able to contact him through them.
---- Original message ----
>Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2005 08:59:54 -0600
>From: "John Laprise" <j-laprise at northwestern.edu>
>Subject: [Air-l] Cyberwar Roundtable Addendum
>To: <air-l-aoir.org at listserv.aoir.org>
>My earlier posting seeking interested individuals to
participate and gauge
>interest in a cyberwar roundtable is for the upcoming AOIR
conference in
>Chicago. If interested, please contact me directly.
>John Laprise
>Ph.D. Student
>Media, Technology, and Society
>School of Communication
>Northwestern University
>Evanston, IL USA
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Irene Berkowitz
Director of Curricular Publications
Temple University
Office of the Vice Provost
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irene.berkowitz at temple.edu
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