[Air-l] Web font sizes
Denise N. Rall
denrall at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 29 19:03:42 PST 2005
Sorry I've been on the list a bit but I have to reply
to this.
Ultimately font size is determined by the reader
(viewer), go to the Explorer Menu> View >Font size
and select your font size preference. I forget what it
is in Netscape, it's in Preferences ?.
I leave my font sizes small when building as it is my
University's preference for a standard web page. The
size to the viewer is not an issue - the VIEWER can
pick to go larger.
Grandparents who know this leave their Explorer View
font size on larger or largest. So they view every web
page in a large font. They won't even SEE the small
fonts you are talking about unless someone changes
their settings! ;-)
Cheers, Denise
--- Rosemary Agbonlahor <ro.agbonlahor at arcisng.net>
> Hello all,
> Does anyone know why some websites use very small
> Arial type fonts? I asked a colleague and he said it
> was so as to get as much information as possible on
> a page. Have there been studies in this area?
> Thanks a lot,
> Rosemary
> ======================
> Rosemary Agbonlahor
> Africa Regional Centre for Information Science
> P.O. Box 22133
> 6 Benue Road
> University of Ibadan
> ------------------------------------------
> Self development demands self discipline
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Denise N. Rall, PhD candidate, School of Environ. Science,
Southern Cross University, Lismore NSW 2480
Sustainable Forestry Mentoring Coordinator & Internet Researcher
Room T2.12, +61 (0)2 6620 3577 Tuesdays or Mobile 0438 233 344
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