[Air-l] Deaf populations and Internet use
Terry Calhoun
splendid at umich.edu
Mon Jan 31 18:01:00 PST 2005
If you are interested in the deaf community, then one of the most
interesting things going on is the developing competition among the deaf
in disc (Frisbee) golf: http://www.deafdiscgolf.com/
Lauren Squires wrote:
> Dear AoIRers,
> I'm looking for research about deaf/Deaf populations and internet use.
> I'm particularly interested in CMC (chat, IM, email, etc.), even more
> particularly of the linguistic persuasion, but simple discussions of
> usage or examinations from sociological, psychological, educational,
> etc. viewpoints would be great as well. You can email me off-list.
> Thanks,
> Lauren
> ----
> Lauren Squires
> Linguistics Program
> University of Virginia
> ***
> http://polyglotconspiracy.net
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Terry Calhoun, MA, JD
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