[Air-l] Anyone know of published, qualitative studies of trust on e-bay?

Arun Vishwanath avishy at buffalo.edu
Mon Jul 25 15:18:37 PDT 2005

There is quite a bit of work on trust and Ebay seller ratings. I have a 
paper in New Media Society on the same.
Here is the reference:"Vishwanath, A. (2004). Manifestations of 
interpersonal trust in online interaction: A cross-cultural study 
comparing the differential utilization of seller ratings by eBay 
participants in Canada, France, and Germany. */New Media & Society, 6 
/*(2), 219-234."

Here are some related articles:

Bajari, P., & Hortaçsu, A. (2003). The winner's curse, reserve prices 
and endogenous entry: Empirical insights from eBay auctions. /The Rand 
Journal of  Economics, 34/(2), 329-355.

Lucking-Reiley, D. (2000). Auctions on the internet: What is being 
auctioned and how? /The Journal of Industrial Economics, XLVIII/(3), 

Roth, A. E., & Ockenfels, A. (2002). Last-minute bidding and the rules 
for ending second-price auctions: Evidence from eBay and Amazon auctions 
on the internet. /The American Economic Review, 92/(4), 1093-1103.

Arun Vishwananth, Ph.D., MBA
Assistant Professor
School of Informatics
SUNY at Buffalo

Ronald Rice wrote:

> I know that there are large-scale, economic analysis of e-bay usage, 
> as it's a great example of an information-based market economy.
> But someone asked me if there were any user studies of e-bay, 
> specifically about issues of trust, rating credibility, etc.
> I said, if anyone knows about this stuff, it would be AoIR folks.
> See you at AoIR in Chicago!
> Thanks!
> =======================================================
> Ronald E. Rice
> Arthur N. Rupe Endowed Professor
> Co-Director, Center for Film, Television and New Media
> President-Elect of the International Communication Association
> Dept. of  Communication, 4840 Ellison Hall
> University of California
> Santa Barbara, CA 93106-4020
> Ph: 805-893-8696; Fax: 805-893-7102
> rrice at comm.ucsb.edu
> http://www.comm.ucsb.edu/rice_flash.htm
> http://www.cftnm.ucsb.edu/
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Arun Vishwanath, PhD, MBA
School of Informatics
SUNY at Buffalo 

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