[Air-l] AoIR 6.0 Chicago 2005 Registration is now open

Steve Jones sjones at uic.edu
Wed Jul 6 07:09:14 PDT 2005

Online registration is now open for the sixth annual conference of the 
Association of Internet Researchers to be held in Chicago October 6 - 
9, 2005 (with pre-conference workshops held on October 5, 2005) at the 
Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile hotel.

To register for the conference and workshops go to:


You will be able to pay the registration fees by credit card or by 

You can also at this time register for the conference banquet (taking 
place on Friday, October 7, at the Mid-America Club, on the 80th (top) 
floor of the Aon Center, Chicago's second tallest building, and the 
conference brunch (taking place on Sunday, October 9). [Vegetarian 
options will be available at both meals.]

You may also register for a historical tour of Chicago's "L" elevated 
train (taking place on Saturday morning, October 8). Join others in an 
AoIR-only L car for a tour of some of the L system's oldest routes with 
the Chicago Transit Authority's historian.

A link to online hotel registration is provided on the site after you 
have clicked the "submit" button and sent in your registration. We have 
negotiated the best possible rate from the hotel and encourage you to 
book a room early. As is the case with most all hotel-based conferences 
we have to meet the minimum occupancy with which we are able to use the 
hotel's meeting rooms and if we do not meet that occupancy rate then 
we'll have to increase the registration fees, to cover the additional 
meeting room cost.

I appreciate everyone's support of the conference and of AoIR and look 
forward to seeing you in Chicago in October!


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