[Air-l] Re: content analysis of the web

Denise N. Rall denrall at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 17 21:08:18 PDT 2005

My response is the same as Elizabeth's -

Focusing in on the language (text) means using more
conventional CA methods

Looking at the website as a whole - well the only
people that have generated tools for this that I know
of are Noral Paul's team at the Institute for New
Media Studies, University of Minnesota. They had a
prototype - an analysis tool for looking specifically
at online newspapers and comparing them. . . this may
be connected to their current project in digital

Might be worth a look. http://www.inms.umn.edu/

POINT HERE is that the comparable units of the
websites were each defined as elements, pulled into a
qualitative database where the comparisons could be
made. So each item on each webpage was selected by
hand, tagged as an "element" type - etc. Then the
elements could be compared from page to page.

QSR International NVivo 6 is an interesting analysis
tool for text but don't think it will work on .html
unless cut & copy into the database.

Cheers, Denise

Denise N. Rall, PhD candidate, School of Environ. Science,
Southern Cross University, Lismore NSW 2480 
Sustainable Forestry Mentoring Coordinator & Internet Researcher
Room T2.12, +61 (0)2 6620 3577 Tuesdays or Mobile 0438 233 344

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