[Air-l] New publication from Programme for applied ethics and final workshop announcement

Charles Ess cmess at drury.edu
Wed Jun 1 06:15:36 PDT 2005

Dear AoIR-ists,

I hope the following will be of interest...  please distribute to
appropriate lists and colleagues as appropriate.

-- charles ess

Distinguished Research Professor, Interdisciplinary Studies
Drury University
900 N. Benton Ave.              Voice: 417-873-7230
Springfield, MO  65802  USA       FAX: 417-873-7435
Home page:  http://www.drury.edu/ess/ess.html
Co-chair, CATaC: http://www.it.murdoch.edu.au/catac/

Professor II, Globalization and Applied Ethics Programmes
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway

Exemplary persons seek harmony, not sameness. -- Analects 13.23


New publication from Programme for applied ethics

* Publication no 6: Technology in a Multicultural and Global Society (Edited
by May Thorseth and Charles Ess, 2005) 145 pages.
* This interdisciplinary anthology focuses on information technology. The
authors discuss ethical and other disciplinary challenges regarding the use
of technology in our multicultural and global society. The anthology
contains interesting examples from different parts of the globe: the USA,
Denmark, Norway, The Netherlands, Saudi Arabia and China. The authors: Bu
Wei, China (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) Dag Elgesem, Norway
(University of Bergen) Charles Ess, USA (Drury University, Missouri) Merete
Lie, Norway (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU) Knut
Rolland, Norway (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU) May
Thorseth, Norway (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU)
Deborah Wheeler, USA (University of Washington) and Oxford

<http://www.anvendtetikk.ntnu.no/ref/contents6.pdf>  provides the table of
contents [pdf]. 

The publication costs 150,- NOK and can be ordered from our website
Other publications in the publication series:

* No 1 Applied Ethics in Internet Research (edited by May Thorseth, 2003),
190 pages.
* This is an international and interdisciplinary anthology, with
contributions from researcher and research fellows who participated in the
course "Internet and Ethics", the programme's first national graduate
course. The authors discuss ethical and methodological challenges regarding
internet research. Some of the central topics covered are: - Informed
consent - Private vs. public sphere - Embodiment/Disembodiment - Internet
cultures and scientific norms - Intellectual property - Methodological
questions regarding data collection Click here
<http://www.anvendtetikk.ntnu.no/ref/contents1.pdf>  for table of contents
[pdf]. The publication costs 150,- NOK and can be ordered from our website
* The rest of our publications are in norwegian only
<http://www.anvendtetikk.ntnu.no/publikasjoner.php> :
 * #2: Anvendt etikk ved NTNU ["Applied ethics at NTNU"]
 * #3: Etikk og samfunnsansvar i norske økonomi- og ledelsesutdanninger
 ["Ethics and social responsibility in norwegian economy- and management
 * #4: Globalisering og etikk ["Globalisation and ethics"]
 * #5: Psevdovitenskap og etikk ["Pseudoscience and ethics"]


Bridging Cultures: Interdisciplinary workshop on computer ethics, culture,
and ICT (June 6th-7th, 2005) We would also like to remind you of our
upcoming workshop, which is closely related to the themes in this anthology.
Several internationally acclaimed scholars have been invited, including
Deborah Wheeler, Luciano Floridi, Charles Ess and Bernd-Carsten Stahl.

See our website <http://www.anvendtetikk.ntnu.no/pres/bridging_workshop.php>
for more detailed information Although the registration deadline has
expired, the lectures will be open to anyone interested.

Please use our online registration form <http://www.anvendt
etikk.ntnu.no/wregistrer.php>  if you would like to be included in the list
of participants. 

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