[Air-l] Intl Symposium on Local E-Democracy - July 26-27 - Minneapolis

Steven Clift slc at publicus.net
Mon Jun 13 11:07:10 PDT 2005

Join us at the first conference dedicated to local e-democracy:


This conference is organised by the UK Office of the Deputy Prime
Minister with the UK Local E-democracy National Project.

For those from the research community, it will offer insights into
government-based e-participation activities as well as offer an
opportunity to share emerging trends with citizen online activity with
government leaders.  If you are interested in helping convene a small
group session or in making a "60 second pitch" to full conference, see
the website and register today (I even snuck in a student rate).

If you want further conference updates, send an e-mail to:

   localedem-subscribe at dowire.org 

The second day will take us into the field and extensive networking
opportunities will abound.

Steven Clift
Conference Co-Chair

Steven Clift - http://publicus.net - Reply to: clift at publicus.net
Join DoWire: http://dowire.org
E-Democracy: http://e-democracy.org

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