[Air-l] SW to store webpages

Thomas Koenig T.Koenig at lboro.ac.uk
Sun Jun 5 18:25:37 PDT 2005

elijah wright wrote:

>> This feature seems to only be available on Macs!
> On Windows the extension is .mht.

The only thing that thing seems to make is to transform a single web 
page into some (fortunately at least human-readable) gibberish, 
embedding css-files and the like in a single file, but it doesn't mirror 
entire web sites. BTW: Funny thing:  I am using (not normally, but for 
present puropses)  IE 6.0.2800. The mht file claims I used "<Saved by 
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5>". I guess, IE will feature instead of 
QWERTY in future textbook examples for path dependency theory.

thomas koenig, ph.d.

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