[Air-l] SW to store webpages

Thomas Koenig T.Koenig at lboro.ac.uk
Sun Jun 5 18:54:29 PDT 2005

Cox wrote:

>The ability to scour the web automatically brings with it the challenge of
>dealing with all the data. So, another relevant question to this thread is,
>what are the automation tools (if any) that people are using for, say,
>content analysis?
I personally use a lot of software to aide me in analysis. I put an 
overview of this software here:


Another good place to start is:


But since you ask about "automatic tools", I linked the "automatic 
concept mappers" I am aware of here:


I tried out several of those programs. The good thing about them: they 
are very fast: If they produce useless results, you haven't lost much 
time. If they do: Great! The bad thing: They have not really been been 
assessed using traditional content analytical criteria, as far as I 
know. I know only of one exception, a (in my view very useful) paper 
about Leximancer forthcoming in  "Behavior Research Methods". Maybe 
there are others, but I don't know about them.

So, for now I use them as a heuristic device, rather than as "analysis".

You probably would need to give more details, about what you understand 
under "content analysis", if you would like more pointed suggestions.


thomas koenig, ph.d.

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