Paul Wouters Paul.Wouters at niwi.knaw.nl
Fri Jun 10 02:07:38 PDT 2005

Researching blogs and blogging research: synergies of colliding worlds
Lecture/debate on weblogs and the different shapes and colours of
academic blogging*By Lilia Efimova**Tuesday June 21 at 14.00 hrs.ISHSS
Building, room D (1st Floor)Free entrancePrins Hendrikkade 189-B
1011 TD Amsterdam
The Netherlands
For a researcher who starts studying weblogs getting hands-on
experience in blogging may be a natural step, either as part of learning
about new phenomenon, as a way to engage in conversations with other
weblog researchers or as a conscious choice for participatory research
methods. In either case the lines between the "blogger who does
research" and the "researcher who blogs" are getting blurred.
In this presentation Lilia Efimova will provide an overview of the
weblog research field and talk about the different shapes and colours of
academic blogging.
*Organised by Networked Research and Digital Information (Nerdi), Royal
Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences www.nerdi.knaw.nl **Lilia
Efimova works as PhD researcher at the Telematica Institute:
http://www.telin.nl. Research weblog: http://blog.mathemagenic.com  
Paul WoutersDr. P. F. Wouters
Programme Leader Networked Research and Digital Information (Nerdi)
The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
PO Box 95110
1090 HC Amsterdam
The Netherlands
T 3120 4628654
F 3120 6658013
paul.wouters at niwi.knaw.nl

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