[Air-l] classic dys/utopian statements

Jean Burgess je.burgess at qut.edu.au
Thu Mar 10 14:45:45 PST 2005

I know you said "classic", but I've found trendwatching.com pretty useful
for taking cheap shots at contemporary technoutopianism, not always
specifically to do with the internet:


On 11/3/05 3:47 AM, "Nancy Baym" <nbaym at ku.edu> wrote:

> A dual question:
> Has anyone got particular favorite utopain or dystopian
> statements/landmarks about the internet? (preferably with citation)
> I'm thinking of things like famous ads promising us liberation from
> race age etc, Negroponte's "Being Digital," as well as quotations.
> -or-
> Does anyone know of any papers or lists tracing the uptopian or
> dystopian highlights of rhetoric about the internet?
> Thanks,
> Nancy

Jean Burgess
PhD Candidate
Creative Industries Research and Applications Centre (CIRAC)

Z1-515, Creative Industries Precinct
Queensland University of Technology
Victoria Park Road, Kelvin Grove, QLD 4059

Phone: +617 3864 3818
Mobile: 0401 733 755

Reviews editor, International Journal of Cultural Studies
Postgraduate representative, Cultural Studies Association of Australasia

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