[Air-l] First Web Page

Holly Kruse holly-kruse at utulsa.edu
Wed Mar 2 11:43:10 PST 2005

Quoting jeremy hunsinger <jhuns at vt.edu>:

> no, because FAQ's were found on gopher too, and there were
> some back in 
> the bbs era too, you can find evidence of faq's on
> textfiles.com

Usenet was filled with FAQs.  Newsgroup FAQs were, and presumably are, posted 
to the groups on a regular basis and available on news.answers (or something like
that.)  I wrote one that is now widely available on the WWW, but it initially was

Holly Kruse
Faculty of Communication
University of Tulsa
600 S. College Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74104
holly-kruse at utulsa.edu

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