[Air-l] Call for Book Chapters: Designing for Networked Communications

bryan carter bc69 at mac.com
Sun May 1 17:24:47 PDT 2005

Hello Simon, I just received this email from a colleague and If it is 
not too late, I would like to submit a proposal for a chapter. Please 
let me  know if one can still be submitted and by when you would need 
it at the very latest...thank you for your consideration...

bryan carter

On Mar 3, 2005, at 10:51 AM, simonhei at ruc.dk wrote:

> [Apologies for cross-posting]
> Submission Deadline: April 30, 2005
> Designing for Networked Communications: Strategies and Development
> A book edited by Simon B. Heilesen and Sisse Siggaard Jensen, Roskilde
> University, Denmark.
> Designing for Networked Communications is to be a book about how we 
> plan, use
> and understand the products and the dynamic social processes or tasks 
> upon
> which depend some of the most vital innovations - social as well as
> technological - in the knowledge society.
> Networked communication is proliferating. To-day, not only are 
> existing mediated
> forms of communication being remediated in electronic form, but also 
> hitherto
> direct forms of communication in complicated social settings are being
> supplemented or even replaced by computer mediated communication 
> (CMC). We are
> coming to depend on CMC-products. As a result, the way they function 
> and the
> way we use them inevitably influences or even determines how we 
> communicate and
> how we think about communication.
> Designing products for CMC may be seen as a cycle, where tasks require 
> the
> creation of artefacts, and where artefacts condition modifications of 
> tasks.
> The tasks that we wish to examine are processes of communication 
> between
> individuals by means of computer networks (within and across 
> organizations) as
> well as the dissemination of information from a sender to a target 
> group. The
> artefacts include physical networks, hardware, software as well as the
> manipulation of symbols in the act of communicating. Designing is to be
> understood in a broad sense as (1) the underlying scheme for the 
> planning,
> functioning and development of an artefact, (2) the actual arrangement 
> and
> functionality of various elements of the artefact, (3) the development 
> of
> strategies and adaptations required for performing tasks by means of 
> the
> artefact in the given social context and subject to certain basic 
> conditions,
> and (4) the development of creative strategies for social innovation 
> and the
> identification of new tasks to be performed by means of a redesign of 
> existing
> artefacts or with new artefacts.
> The book is meant to further our understanding of ICT-design processes 
> by
> identifying strategies employed both by developers and users in the 
> dynamic
> processes of creating and using artefacts. The various chapters will 
> present
> and reflect on relevant theoretical frameworks and the latest empirical
> research findings in the area. Bridging the fields of HCI-design in 
> Computer
> Science and Computer-mediated Communication in Communication Studies, 
> the book
> will represent an interdisciplinary approach that is valuable for 
> stimulating
> unconventional thinking and a creative exchange in and across two 
> important
> academic and professional fields.
> Professionals, researchers and students working in the fields of 
> Communication,
> Computer Science (in particular HCI and system development), 
> E-learning and
> Computer Supported Collaborative Work.
> RECOMMENDED TOPICS include but are not limited to the following
> -	Theories and models of designing,
> -	Overall strategies and methodologies,
> -	Creative and/or sense making strategies and methodologies,
> -	Social innovation strategies and methodologies,
> -	Negotiation of meaning and collaboration,
> -	Learning strategies and environments,
> -	Organizational learning and learning cultures,
> -	Organizational games and role plays,
> -	Problem solving and decision making,
> -	Workplace communication,
> -	Distributed organizations/ workplaces,
> -	Team work and team building,
> -	Project management and leadership,
> -	Knowledge sharing and knowledge management,
> -	General communication for stationary and mobile users,
> -	Dissemination of information and information searching,
> -	E-publishing and Web-publishing.
> Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before April 
> 30, 2005,
> a 2-5 page manuscript proposal clearly explaining the mission and 
> concerns of
> the proposed chapter. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified 
> by May 31,
> 2005 about the status of their proposals and sent chapter 
> organizational
> guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be submitted by October 31, 
> 2005. All
> submitted chapters will be reviewed by at least two reviewers on a 
> blind review
> basis. The book is scheduled to be published by Idea Group, Inc.,
> http://www.idea-group.com/, publisher of the Idea Group Publishing, 
> Information
> Science Publishing, IRM Press, CyberTech Publishing and Idea Group 
> Reference
> imprints.
> Inquiries and Submissions can be forwarded electronically (Word 
> document) or by
> mail to both editors:
> Simon B. Heilesen, E-mail: simonhei at ruc.dk, Tel. (+45) 4674 3785
> Sisse Siggaard Jensen, E-mail: sisse at ruc.dk, Tel. (+45) 4674 3771
> Fax: (+45) 4674 3075
> Institute of Communication Studies, Journalism and Computer science
> Roskilde University, P.O. Box 260, DK 4000 Roskilde, Denmark
> For additional information on the project, please visit the Designing 
> for
> Networked Communications web site: http://www.ruc.dk/~simonhei/dnc/
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Bryan Carter, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, English
Central Missouri State University
AIM: bcrx7
MSN: bc69 at graffiti.net (not for email)
ICQ: 152347003
Yahoo: hannibal697
Skype: bcmini753

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