Fwd: [Air-l] AoIR Executive Elections Nomination Period now

Jeremy Hunsinger jhuns at vt.edu
Wed May 4 07:03:07 PDT 2005

May 2 - May 31 is the Nomination period for AoIR officers.  I want to  
encourage you to nominate those who  you want to lead you for the  
next 2 and in the case of the VP 4 years.


Only a dues-paying  member of AoIR can run for a position, nominated by
anyone. If nominated for more than one  position a nominee must  
choose to
run for one (and only one) position  in this election. You may nominate
yourself or another person (or people).

Self Nominations: Email nominate at aoir.org and indicate the position for
which you are nominating and you will be added to the  list of  
nominees and
given instructions as to  how to submit your information for voters to

Nominating Others: Email nominate at aoir.org with the name of the  
person you
want to nominate, the position for which you are nominating this person,
contact information for that person, and an indication of whether you  
if this person would accept this nomination (if you don't know, we'll
contact them and ask).

All candidates for election will be required to provide answers to the
questions listed at the end of this email via the AoIR election forum
website, and participate in an online candidate discussion forum In  
the Graduate Student candidates must confirm in their response that they
comply with section 10 of the by-laws, namely "The Graduate Student
Representative must be actively enrolled in a degree program at the  
time of
nomination and election."

The voting system used by AoIR is one vote per dues-paying member for  
of the seven positions for election listed above. Votes are counted by a
ballot counter who is a member of the Association but not a member of  
executive. In the case of the four officers, the candidate with the  
number of votes shall be declared the winner; in the
case of the open seats, the three candidates with the highest,
second-highest and third highest votes shall be declared the winners  
of the
open seats.

In the case of tied results for the officer positions, the winner  
shall be
determined by the ballot counter, by drawing of lots, using a method  
ensures each of the tying candidates has an equal chance of success and
witnessed by at least 2 people independent to the association. In the  
of tied results for the open seat positions, the drawing of lots  
shall be
used only when there are more tied candidates than seats available.

See earlier message in the archives for complete information. -j

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