[Air-l] references on Virtual Learning communities

Sheizaf Rafaeli sheizaf at rafaeli.net
Sat May 28 05:31:32 PDT 2005

>Do you know of any authoritative articles/references that can support 
>the usefulness of virtual learning communities.
>I am interested in potential benefits for teachers sharing their 
>experiences in math and science teaching.

Here is some shamelessly self-serving and probably political info about
sharing in communities from the 
no-longer boycotted Univ. of Haifa...  Hope it helps. Most of the stuff is
available (online on my home page: 

Rafaeli, S. and Raban, D.R. (2005) ‘Information sharing online: a research
challenge’, Int. Journal of Knowledge and Learning (IJKL), Vol. 1, Nos. 1/2,

Rafaeli, Y. Dan-Gur and M. Barak (2005) Finding friends among recommenders:
Social and "Black-Box" recommender systems", International Journal of
Distance Education Technologies (IJDET), Special Issue on Knowledge
Management Technologies for E-learning: Exploiting Kowledge Flows and
Knowledge Networks for Learning. April-June 2005, Vol. 3 No. 2, pp. 30-48

Rafaeli, S., Ravid, G., & Soroka, V. (2004) De-lurking in virtual
communities: a social communication network approach to measuring the
effects of social and cultural capital, Proceedings of the 2004 Hawaii
International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 37) Collaboration Systems
and Technology Track. Copyright 2004 IEEE. Published in the Proceedings of
the Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences, January 5 – 8,
2004, Big Island, Hawaii. 

Barak, M. & Rafaeli, S. (2004) Online Question-Posing and Peer-Assessment as
Means for Web-based Knowledge Sharing in Learning, International Journal of
Human-Computer Studies Vol 61, issue 1 pp 84-103 

Rafaeli, S., Barak, M., Dan-Gur, Y. and Toch, E. (2004) QSIA - A Web-based
environment for learning, assessing and knowledge sharing in communities,
Computers and Education Volume 43 Issue 3 pp. 273-289. 

Rafaeli, S. & Ravid, G. (2003) Information sharing as enabler for the
virtual team: an experimental approach to assessing the role of electronic
mail in disintermediation. In Information Systems Journal, Vol. 13, pp.

Rafaeli, S., Barak, M. Dan-Gur, Y., Toch E. (2003) Knowledge Sharing and
Online Assessment, E-Society Proceedings of the 2003 IADIS conference IADIS
e-Society 2003   pp. 257-266  

Prof. Sheizaf Rafaeli
Graduate School of Business Administration
and Director, Center for the Study of the Information Society
University of Haifa, Mt. Carmel, Haifa, 31905
Tel. +972-4-8249578, Fax +972-4-8249194
sheizaf at rafaeli.net, http://sheizaf.rafaeli.net 

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