[Air-l] language awareness and wikis

David Palfreyman David.Palfreyman at zu.ac.ae
Tue Nov 15 00:48:44 PST 2005

Apologies if you have received this before.   I am editing a special issue of the journal "Language Awareness", on the use of online media.  I have received papers on a range of topics related to this, but I am looking in particular for one involving research on the use of wikis to raise language awareness.  I am pasting an invitation below, and I would be grateful if you could forward this to anyone who you think might be interested.  Note that the journal publishes papers on language awareness not only in English teaching but in the learning of other foreign languages or mother tongues as well.

Hoping to hear from you,
David Palfreyman
Zayed University, Dubai

"Language Awareness" is an interdisciplinary journal which seeks to encourage and disseminate work exploring the following:
* the role of explicit knowledge about language in the process of language learning;
* the role that such explicit knowledge about language plays in language teaching and how such knowledge can best be mediated by teachers;
* the role of explicit knowledge about language in language use: e.g. sensitivity to bias in language, manipulative aspects of language, literary use of language.

This is an invitation for submissions for a special issue of "Language Awareness", focusing on the use of electronic media (including web-based media, virtual learning environments, online interaction and multimedia) to promote or investigate awareness of language.  The intention is to bring together recent empirical work exploring the potential of new media in a range of fields, which may include first or second language education, teacher education, literature teaching or critical literacy development.  Contributions need not be pure 'success stories', but may highlight challenges of the new media and possible responses to these.

If you are interested in contributing to this special issue, please send an abstract  (200 words approx) to <David.Palfreyman at zu.ac.ae> by 30 November 2005, outlining your study and its relation to the theme of the special issue.

For further information about "Language Awareness", please see the journal website <http://www.multilingual-matters.com/multi/journals/journals_la.asp>, and for queries about the special issue, please contact <David.Palfreyman at zu.ac.ae>.


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