[Air-l] Blogging basics?

Paul Chenoweth chenowethp at mail.belmont.edu
Tue Nov 29 11:29:38 PST 2005


First of all, be aware that there is no love affair between most print 
publications and the blogosphere...I certainly wouldn't go into an 
interview with any expectation of a warm welcome for bloggers.

Second, I'd be happy to share a list of higher education folks who blog 
regularly so you might get a sampling of what is going on.

Charles Ess wrote:

>Hi all,
>I'm about to interviewed for a newspaper story (Pittsburgh) on blogging and
>blogs - of the many things I know so little about, those would be right up
>there... (the vagaries of reporting, I suppose...)
>While I have a few meager thoughts on the phenomena, including a shred of
>ethical reflection - would the air community like to throw any important
>thoughts (and references) my way?  I'll happily credit anyone I can cite -
>and/or refer the reporter to the _real_ experts out there in AoIR-land.
>Let me know - and thanks,
>-- cX (the unknown charlie, who followed the original Charlie onto the
>executive committee - tee-hee)
>Charles Ess
>Distinguished Research Professor,
>Interdisciplinary Studies <http://www.drury.edu/gp21>
>Drury University
>900 N. Benton Ave.              Voice: 417-873-7230
>Springfield, MO  65802  USA       FAX: 417-873-7435
>Home page:  http://www.drury.edu/ess/ess.html
>Co-chair, CATaC'06: http://www.catacconference.org
>Co-chair, ECAP'06: http://www.eu-cap.org
>Professor II, Globalization and Applied Ethics Programmes
>Norwegian University of Science and Technology
>NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway
>Exemplary persons seek harmony, not sameness. -- Analects 13.23
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