[Air-l] Bloggers Progressive?

joshua raclaw Joshua.Raclaw at colorado.edu
Wed Nov 30 14:59:22 PST 2005

i've come across a number of anti-homosexual bloggers and forums within
blogsites.  the content goes from outright gaybashing to plain old straight

there's even a harry potter role-playing blog that's prohibited users from
applying to play as GLBT characters, claiming that hogwarts didn't have nearly
so many queer wizards and witches as the site had applicants :)


Quoting Radhika Gajjala <radhika at cyberdiva.org>:

* ditto!
* r
* >Hmmmm... I haven't done an empirical search of blogger sites, but I
* >imagine there are quite a few racist, sexist etc. bloggers out there. Just
* >as other Internet technologies have been harnessed for all political
* >purposes, blogging no doubt has been as well.  I understand the empirical
* >correlation between technology use and political likelihoods... but I have
* >a hard time with technology stripped of content categorized as
* >"progressive".  The concept of "innovative" works better for me.
* >
* >
* >
* >
* >Mary E. Virnoche
* >Assistant Professor
* >Coordinator, Practicing Sociology MA
* >Chair, CAHSS Curriculum Committee
* >Vice President, SWS-West
* >
* >Department of Sociology
* >Humboldt State University
* >Arcata CA 95521
* >707-826-4569
* >http://www.humboldt.edu/~mv23
* >
* >
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* --
* Radhika Gajjala
* Associate Professor
* School of Communication Studies
* Bowling Green State University
* Bowling Green, OH 43403
* http://personal.bgsu.edu/~radhik ; http://cyberdiva.typepad.com/teach/
* http://www.cyberdiva.org
* _________
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