[Air-l] AoIR Annual 4.0: Submission Deadline

Mia Consalvo consalvo at ohio.edu
Tue Oct 18 12:40:55 PDT 2005

Hi all,

It's that time again. Caroline Haythornthwaite and I will be co-editing the
fourth volume of the AoIR Internet Annual, and we are now accepting papers
to review for potential inclusion. If you presented a paper at AoIR's recent
conference in Chicago, your paper is eligible for submission.

We need to receive submissions by Monday, October 31, 2005 for full
consideration. Please send them electronically (and in Word format) to Mia
Consalvo at consalvo at ohio.edu

At this point we don't have specific style requirements or page lengths, but
all accepted papers will need to use APA style and be approximately 4000
words in length. Please email Mia if you have further questions about the
guidelines or the process. We hope to make final decisions about inclusion
by the end of December.


Mia Consalvo, Ph.D.
213 RTVC
School of Telecommunications
9 South College Street
Ohio University
Athens, OH 45701

(740) 597-1521
consalvo at ohio.edu

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