[Air-l] AoIR Annual 4.0: Submission Deadline

Rhiannon Bury buryrc at rogers.com
Fri Oct 21 10:10:50 PDT 2005

I'd like to hear the answer as well.

Karine Barzilai-Nahon wrote:

> Sorry everybody for submitting for the whole list....
>Karine Barzilai-Nahon
>Assistant Professor
>The Information School
>University of Washington
>Mary Gates Hall, Room 370B, Box 352840
>Seattle, WA 98195-2840
>(206) 685-6668, http://www.ischool.washington.edu/karineb
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Karine Barzilai-Nahon 
>Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 1:42 PM
>To: 'air-l at listserv.aoir.org'
>Subject: RE: [Air-l] AoIR Annual 4.0: Submission Deadline
>Mia Hi,
>I have a question. Does the paper needs to be original? I mean - it is a
>subject that if forthcoming also in HICSS and I am wondering whether I
>can use this paper for the submission....

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