[Air-l] busiplogs?

RGH rgh at rghoward.com
Mon Oct 24 13:11:36 PDT 2005

Hello All:

Does anybody use the word "busiplog" to mean a "business spam blog"?

I am looking for help on classifying/demarcating "blogs"/blog-like 
things--and I found a reference to on Wikipedia 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blog).  But a google of the word comes 
up with 0 in singular (busiplog--at least if I am right in guessing 
at the meaning/grammar of the word) and only a few as "busiplogs." 
Those few seem to be based on (or the basis of) the Wikipedia entry.

So  I am wondering if anybody can direct me toward:
1.  the origin of the term "busiplog" (this bit about "L S Blogs"?) and
2. examples of busiplogs?

Feel free to respond off list , I apologize if this is too specific a 
query, and thanks in advance,and etc.!

Robert Glenn Howard
Assistant Professor

Department of Communication Arts
& Communication Technologies Research Cluster
University of Wisconsin - Madison
rgh at rghoward.com

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