[Air-l] katrina assistance website

jeremy hunsinger jhuns at vt.edu
Fri Sep 2 11:06:28 PDT 2005

> Phil Graham sent this along, it is fairly useful and interesting
> Having trouble posting. This is useful and interesting from Forbes
> ************************************************************
> http://www.forbes.com/technology/2005/09/02/hurricane-google-map- 
> rescue-cx_d
> e_0902google.html?partner=yahootix
> "We're seeing a lot of images from New Orleans that lack context,"  
> says
> Shawn McBride, a phone switch technician from Spokane, Wash., who  
> has been
> using satellite photos from the Google Earth service to track  
> flooding and
> analyze damage to neighborhoods. "It's impossible to tell from the  
> outside
> how things are."
> But along comes Google.
> One Web site, www.scipionus.com, is combating the confusion by  
> encouraging
> users to annotate a Google Map of New Orleans with information about
> specific locations. Collectively, the community is creating a  
> collaborative
> map Wikipedia. Anyone with something to add can enter a street  
> address and
> leave a marker on the map at that location, providing a few lines  
> of text
> about conditions at that spot. "Never flooded, typical wind damage,  
> passable
> street 8-31-05," reads one tag. "Trey and April's We are OK ppl,"  
> reports
> another.

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