[Air-l] Fwd: ::fc-announce:: CFP - Mobile Music Technology workshop 2006

Jeremy Hunsinger jhuns at vt.edu
Wed Sep 14 10:39:01 PDT 2005

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Drew Hemment <drew at futuresonic.com>
> Date: September 14, 2005 1:18:11 PM EDT
> To: fibreculture-announce at lists.myspinach.org
> Subject: ::fc-announce:: CFP - Mobile Music Technology workshop 2006
> Apologies for cross-posting.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> 2-3 MARCH 2006, BRIGHTON, UK
> http://www.viktoria.se/fal/events/mobilemusic/
> Combining mobile technology and music promises exciting future
> developments in a rapidly emerging field. Devices such as mobile  
> phones,
> walkmans and iPods have already brought music to the ever-changing  
> social
> and geographic locations of their users and reshaped their  
> experience of
> the urban landscape. With new properties such as ad hoc networking,
> Internet connection, and context-awareness, mobile music technology  
> offers
> countless new artistic, commercial and socio-cultural opportunities  
> for
> music creation, listening and sharing. How can we push forward the  
> already
> successful combination of music and mobile technology? What new  
> forms of
> interaction with music lie ahead, as locative media and music use  
> merge
> into new forms of everyday experiences?
> Following two successful workshops that started to explore and  
> establish
> the emerging field of mobile music technology, this third edition  
> offers a
> unique opportunity to participate in the development of mobile  
> music and
> hands-on experience of the latest cutting-edge technology. The  
> programme
> will consist of presentations from invited speakers, in-depth  
> discussions
> about the crucial issues of mobile music technology, hands-on group
> activities and break-out sessions where participants can get valuable
> feedback on their work-inprogress projects. The invited speakers  
> include
> Michael Bull (University of Sussex, UK), often dubbed by the press as
> 'Professor iPod' for his iPod and car stereo user studies that reveal
> fascinating trends for mobile music.
> The workshop will take place at the University of Sussex in  
> Brighton, UK.
> Brighton is situated on the British 'Sunshine Coast' and easily
> accessible: only 30 minutes from London/Gatwick airport and 60 minutes
> from central London.
> Don't miss this chance to help shape the mobile music landscape of the
> future!
> We invite practitioners, artists, designers and researchers from all
> areas, including music, technology development, new media, sound-art,
> music distribution, locative media and industry to register for this
> international mobile music workshop.
> Are you working on a mobile music project and looking for feedback  
> from
> like-minded people to help you to move on with your ideas?
> We invite submissions of work-in-progress projects exploring the  
> topic of
> mobile music. Projects will be discussed, receive critical review  
> as well
> as support with ongoing problems and issues. Your work should not be
> completed yet, but either be on-going or just about to get started.
> Potential projects could include but are not limited to mobile music
> systems or enabling technologies, interface design, on-going or  
> planned
> user studies, ethnographic fieldwork, art pieces and other areas  
> relevant
> to mobile music.
> Submissions should include a presentation of the
> project, explain its relevance to the field of mobile music and  
> describe
> issues and problems that could be discussed
> during the workshop. Please include a short biography with the  
> submission.
> Accepted project authors will be given
> time to present and discuss their work and will receive feedback by
> smaller groups of workshop participants
> including specialists in the field. Authors are encouraged to bring
> material and prototypes to the workshop.
> Submission format: one page in ACM SIG publications format.
> Submission deadline: 28th November 2005
> Notification of acceptance: 15th December 2005
> In addition to the presentations, discussions and project feedback
> sessions the workshop will also offer handson group activities to  
> explore
> technological platforms.
> We are looking for mobile platforms, systems, installations,  
> applications
> or devices that include music features or can be used for musical
> projects. The workshop participants will get hands-on experience with
> these platforms, so they should be suitable for groups of at least 8
> people. This provides you with the opportunity to introduce your  
> platform
> to experts and practitioners in the field of mobile music and to gain
> valuable feedback. We invite you to submit a platform description,  
> explain
> how it can be used for mobile music and how larger groups can use it
> during the workshop.
> Submission format: one page in ACM SIG publications format
> Submission deadline: 31st October 2005
> Notification of acceptance: 14th November 2005
> Please send your platform or project submission as a PDF file, to all
> three, f.behrendt at sussex.ac.uk (Frauke Behrendt), lalya at viktoria.se  
> (Lalya
> Gaye) and dh at loca-lab.org (Drew Hemment). In the subject line, state
> and the
> name of the main author.
> The number of participants is limited to 25 places. Accepted  
> submitters
> are given priority, other participants are accepted on a first-come
> first-served basis. Regular fee for the workshop is 70 Euros (47  
> GBP), and
> reduced student fee is 45 Euros (30 GBP). The fee includes morning and
> afternoon coffee breaks and lunch for both days.
> Registration deadline: 17th January 2006
> For more information about the previous and up-coming workshops, as  
> well
> as the ACM SIG publications format and travel and accommodation
> information, please consult the website:
> http://www.viktoria.se/fal/events/mobilemusic/
> The 3rd international workshop on mobile music technology is  
> organised by
> the Department of Media and Film Studies, University of Sussex  
> (UK), the
> Future Applications Lab, Viktoria Institute (SWE) and Adelphi Research
> Institute, University of Salford (UK). In collaboration with PLAN
> (Pervasive and Locative Arts Network) and Futuresonic.
> Frauke Behrendt: f.behrendt at sussex.ac.uk
> Lalya Gaye: lalya at viktoria.se
> Drew Hemment: dh at loca-lab.org
> _______________________________________________
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Jeremy Hunsinger
Center for Digital Discourse and Culture
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