[Air-l] DOCAM 05, Oct. 7-9 is about to come, Register now !

Niels Windfeld Lund Niels.Windfeld.Lund at hum.uit.no
Thu Sep 29 22:23:38 PDT 2005

If you plan to attend DOCAM,the international Document Research conference next week at SIMS, UC-Berkeley,it is now time for register. Registration closes in 2days

The conference consists of 3 parts, a general plenary session, a ph.d. session and three parallel workshops in Artistic documents, Health care documents and document management. Speakers are coming from Norway, France, U.S.A and Canada. 

The program is here:

Registration can be done here:

Our key-note speaker this year is coming from GSLIS, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA, professor W. Boyd Rayward

Welcome at DOCAM 05

Niels W. Lund

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