[Air-l] Internet Studies? TIS Special Issue

Nancy Baym nbaym at ku.edu
Mon Sep 12 12:59:18 PDT 2005

Some of you will be interested in the most recent 
issue of The Information Society (21: 4):

ICT Research and Disciplinary Boundaries: Is 
"Internet Research" a Virtual Field, a 
Proto-Discipline, or Something Else?

Here's the contents and authors:


Internet Research as is Isn't, Is, Could Be, and Should Be
Nancy K. Baym


Fizz in the Field: Toward a Basis for an Emergent Internet Studies
Steve Jones

Internet Research and the Sociology of Cyber-Social-Scientific Knowledge
Christine Hine

Digital Media and Disciplinarity
Jonathan Sterne

Disciplining the Future: A Critical Organizational Analysis of Internet Studies
Annette N. Markham

Who Wants to be a Discipline?
Naomi S. Baron

Internet Indiscipline: Two Approaches to Making a Field
Wesley Shrum

Towards a Transdisciplinary Internet Research
Jeremy Hunsinger

Science and Technology Studies Approaches to Internet Research
John Monberg

New Media/Internet Research Topics of the Association of Internet Researchers
Ronald E. Rice

The Internet in China: A Meta-review of Research
Randolph Kluver and Chen Yang

Making Space for Religion in Internet Studies
Heidi Campbell

ICT Research, the New Economy, and the Evolving 
Discipline of Economics: Back to the Future?
Hans-Jürgen Engelbrecht

Links to the abstracts are available here:


And remember that AoIR members can subscribe to 
The Information Society at a discounted rate!


Nancy Baym	http://www.ku.edu/home/nbaym
Communication Studies, University of Kansas
Bailey Hall, 1440 Jayhawk Blvd., Room 102, Lawrence, KS 66045-7574, USA
Association of Internet Researchers: http://aoir.org

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