[Air-l] Libertarianism and Programmers / Techies

Denise N. Rall denrall at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 20 23:03:21 PDT 2006

Well in my vaguest memories of the olden days, I
understood the 'war' was between IBM and DEC.

I think to tease it out I would start with 'Hackers'
by Steven Levy where the libertarian ethic is
considered as part and parcel of hackers - based at
MIT on the PDP 11's.  In the PC world, it was carried
on by DOS vs. CP/M - then between IBM and pretty much
the rest of the computing world, and then along came

Ok, early stuff is accessible at:

Frieberger, P. and M. Swaine (1999[1984]). Fire in the
valley: The making of the  personal computer.
Berkeley, CA, Osborne/McGraw-Hill.


Denise N. Rall, Ph.D. submitted, School of Environ. Science,
Southern Cross University, Lismore NSW 2480 AUSTRALIA
Tuesdays: Room T2.12, +61 (0)2 6620 3577 or Mobile 0438 233 344
Virtual member, Cybermetrics Group, University of Wolverhampton, UK

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